I liked it. Unfortunately aside from valve, no serious studio has put any resources into making a good vr game.
Sitting games could be big on vr. Flight/space sims could be awesome.
I liked it. Unfortunately aside from valve, no serious studio has put any resources into making a good vr game.
Sitting games could be big on vr. Flight/space sims could be awesome.
Enclose it and make a secret door to enter.
Don’t disagree but surely it’s not impossible to add some regulations to protect the consumers here.
Being in a relationship makes it easy to have sex.
ADA lawsuits can fix that.
Like for real months, like 30 days, 24 hours? Or the dream skipped through that timespan?
I’m hoping more people reply to this than one person. The whole thread only lists slay the spire and balatro.
Yeah “no” exactly… no to sharing with people who are technology illiterate, have no ethics or loyalty to keep personal information confidential. As a guy who loves to receive nudes, it’s not worth it for most women honestly.
The first point in the comic is certainly valid, giving the technical literacy of many people.
Magneto just been administering chemo to wolverine this whole time.
And portable cd players were rated by how well the could handle movement, which basically meant many seconds they could hold in memory to prevent skips.
It’s still odd seeing people proudly being racist. It will be great when you all go slithering back to your holes.
I’m guessing not all hypotheses receive the same interest or funding to begin with. Definitely seems to be a selection bias on what actually gets funded/studied. Even worse, when they withhold results they don’t like from being published.
Oh yeah, I was just clarifying my original position. I appreciate your insight.
Yeah I wasn’t talking about either scenario from a participatory POV. Moreso speaking to the general interest.
You can be interested in something without wishing for it or wanting to participate. I’m sure women who listen to serial killer podcasts don’t want to be featured in one.
QA could use some unionizing across the software/game industry imo.
It’s amazing how buggy websites of billion dollar companies are. They either don’t have a QA team or don’t prioritize any of the bugs they file. If I were still in that field I’d probably team up with some litigious ADA lawyers.
It could easily be read as sarcastic. In normal times, I don’t think that interpretation would be common, but in the internet of today, the toxicity is just so high it’s often the correct interpretation.
My interest in war is that there is nothing higher stakes, it can be a fight for the survival of not just yourself but your family, community, or nation, or even our species if we are talking fiction (or global warming).
So if we were to stereotype the genders, men are typically more interested in death/violence at a humanitary level and women at a personal level.
This isn’t a rebuttal, I don’t have one, but some nuance I hope is appreciated.
I looked at the studies a while back and read some discussions on the validity of them. I’ll summarize what I recall. many people were misrepresenting them quite a bit. The people quoting this number often aim to shed cops in a bad light and will do so intentionally.
If I recall, 40% is the domestic violence coming from either member in the household. Not just the police officer.
Another thing was what the offers reported as violence. if I recall correctly “violence” could be defined as raising your voice to behaving violently. So I suppose that leaves room for some interpretation. But when the numbers are brought up, the claim is generally “40% of cops are wife beaters”.
Lastly, these were studies from the 90s and the researcherd generally did their studies on a single urban police departments. So old data and not representative sample.
I don’t trust the number at all with the data we have. The actual rate could be higher or lower, we need better data.
My memory could also be way off.
It takes some getting used to. And maybe looping games isn’t everyone’s cup of tea(e.g. Majora’s mask).
But the exploration, the knowlesge based progression, the cleverness of the story, and its delivery is absolutely brilliant.