The subjects that you can’t even bring up without getting downvoted, banned, fired, expelled, cancelled etc.
Apparently asking what people are going to do to relax after voting must be taboo, because my post got deleted without me being told why.
The moderators have the power therefor when they do something rude it actually isn’t rude. In fact you are rude for suggesting that they are being rude, and deserve punishment.
It’s funny how power works.
Humanity deserves its face stomped by a boot forever. No easy escape with some farcical nuclear armageddon, you have to stay here and live out the horror.
I’ve seen screenshots posted of lemmy logs on other instances. Some mods seem to be quite disconnected from reality.
Tho, to be fair, we only get to see the bad stuff there. I’m sure the majority of mods is great
Did you look at the modlog? They’re open here.
I hesitate to say
Close enough. Ban him.
This comment has been removed by the moderators
Pineapple on pizza.
Add some jalapeño as well to take it to another level
For legal reasons I cannot have any opinion on the following: Gestures broadly at everything in the middle East
You are more than welcome to choose from one of the pre-prepared opinions that we have on offer here… no need to bring anything new to the table and confuse such an obviously binary subject.
Try talking about Return to Office around the workplace and watch everyone get quiet real quick
The left lane, and how no, it’s not for going as fast as you want to drive.
It is also the fast lane so move TF over if you are moving slower than the other lanes
Speed limit is the speed limit. End of.
If someone wants to go above the speed limit in the fast lane, then they’re contravening road rules.
No matter what social norm people believe there to be, it doesn’t have precedence over the speed limits.
In a case where the the car in front is going slower than the speed limit, it would be good etiquette though to move over.
In the UK it goes lanes 1, 2, 3. You stay in lane 1. Lane 2 and 3 are for passing only.
You will often see members of the lane 2 owners club just cruising along in lane 2 but this effectively closes lane 1 (undertaking is illegal and very unsafe).
Sitting in lane 3 closes the entire motorway.
I agree there is a speed limit. But the law says you cannot just sit in lane 2 or 3 if you are not overtaking someone. They even updated the law recently. If you hog lane 2 or 3 the police can report you and the penalty is 3 points and £100 fine
People who sit in lane 3 at 69mph are breaking the law and likely to cause an accident by forcing people to pass on the wrong side out of frustration (yes illegal but they will do it) and this is why they are over taking lanes, not just cruising lanes.
Never be the reason someone else does something stupid on the road. Always do the safest thing.
Interesting to see how different that is from Australia. In your example only lane 3 is a passing lane, and “undertaking” isn’t a thing, it’s completely legal to overtake in any lane.
Often people use those lanes to speed. If a car ahead is overtaking at or within a reasonable range of the speed limit, but not at the speed the speeder wants to travel. The speeder must be patient, they don’t get to dictate what manoeuvres are happening ahead.
The argument you present at the end isn’t logical,
… Always do the safest thing.
I can largely agree with this sentiment, but you say before,
People who sit in lane 3 at 69mph are breaking the law and likely to cause an accident by forcing people to pass on the wrong side out of frustration (yes illegal but they will do it)…
If undercutting is the most unsafe thing for the person behind to do in the situation, then as your sentiment captures, the frustrated party undercutting are still in the wrong.
They are in the wrong because, they have failed to ‘always do the safest thing’ in the given situation.
Never be the reason someone else does something stupid on the road.
Nice sentiment again, but it implicitly assigns a rigid cause and effect regime to a situation where the ‘frustrated party’ behind has their own agency and likely as much training. There is no necessity that they undercut, it is a choice the party behind makes. The cause does not necessitate that effect, at best it could contribute.
In essence the sentiment shifts the blame from the person causing a potential accident (the undercutter), to the person ahead who, at worst, is causing poor traffic conditions.
Like I said undertaking is bad. No excuse for doing it, except where it is legal. If someone goes under speed limit in lane 3 you can undertake I believe, though I would still be super cautious.
Obviously speeding is illegal, and I’m not suggesting anyone should support do so. But we should let the police deal with it.
Just to clarify, you don’t think it is ok to sit in lane 2 or 3 at the speed limit if there is room to move over ? Not doing so is also illegal in the UK.
While the majority of people stay within the law (+/- 10%) there are enough people behaving badly on the roads that you should always take that into consideration.
This is a great example of the is/ought problem. You can try your best to make the “ought” true, but don’t neglect what reality “is”. On the road that means; assume there is an idiot nearby, and drive in a way that keeps you safe from their shit.
You are correct. If the flow of traffic in lane 1 or 2 is faster than the flow of traffic in lane 2 or 3 then it is okay to pass. Intentionally changing lane temporarily to pass a car on the inside is illegal.
The other poster confused your point.
If someone in lane 3 is going 69 and overtaking someone then there’s no reason to pass them, and probably isn’t safe or legal given there is, by definition, a car on the inside lane already.
Worked about well as you’d think
Not in America.
See, that’s the thing: It’s the passing lane, not the fast lane. A lot of semis are speed governed to 65MPH, so if I’m doing the 70MPH speed limit, I need to use it to pass them.
Thank you, even if the some people believe there is a specific lane to constantly edge ahead of poor slow drivers, that is not the ideal lane to be the fastest car in. People merge on from left a lot more than you notice. I live in a city that has a nearly equal amounts of merges from left.
how meat is treated.
That Trump was a good president and hopefully gets a second term.
Best answer because even in this thread you’ve been down voted.
I voted for him myself and have for sure been down voted for it on here, over and over again.
Haven’t been banned though, so I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.
This place seems to have more crazy leftists but at least they can’t ban us here… I don’t think lol.
I hope that you, and your degenerate kin, and we, the ‘crazy leftists’, have a mutual understanding that liberals are spineless principleless cowards whose only conviction is to have no convictions.
Republicans like Trump are also liberals. [wiki]
Yeah, old school liberals. Free speech, gun rights, reasonable abortion laws, live and let live, don’t touch the kids, free and fair elections.
Doesn’t get better than that.
Classical liberalism (just to give a concrete political term for those old school liberals) is admirable. I broadly agree with its values and I support all those points you mentioned. The progressive and conservative variants we often see in US politics are blatantly hypocritical and broken.
Unfortunately, liberalism’s core issue is that it’s an ideology based on an abstract concept rather than our physical conditions - it starts with the abstract, fair idea of freedom and attempts to apply it onto material reality. For example, the liberal approach to free speech, which theoretically creates a marketplace of ideas where the best prevail, just turns into a propaganda echo chamber when huge media organisation are owned by business tycoons with political agendas, and when social media companies are financially punished by their advertisers for allowing controversial expression. The utopian marketplace of ideas never really manifests at scale when that marketplace is collectively dominated by the like-minded owning class.
Without adding restrictions (a contradiction of liberty), the huge wealth of some people turns their freedoms into their political power. If the rich owning class can control the economy through a monopoly or similar, they have the freedom to control what news you can find, what products you can buy (if you can’t DIY it, like a computer) and their quality and how safe they are, what jobs they will give you, and so much more.
There are also plenty of other contradictions which we see play out, such as:
- How can we balance freedom of religion with giving people rights that a religion rejects? (e.g. abortion, homosexuality)
- How can we balance someone’s individual rights with someone else’s right to private property? (e.g. trespassing, restriction of the commons)
- How can we balance someone’s individual rights with community safety needs and expectations? (e.g. weapon rights, industrial and environmental restrictions, speech laws)
- Should liberalism be allowed to defend itself against a democratically-approved transition to dictatorship, or does this contradict political freedom?
In these situations, we have to resolve them somehow, so we end up with liberalism variants like conservative liberalism and progressive liberalism, straying further from the pure old-school liberalism they necessarily contradict. Even without corruption, liberalism decays, distancing itself from its ideals, and ultimately turns into a playground for the powerful who have far far far far far more ability to realize liberty than almost everyone else.
Why would you vote for that old, demented, incompetent orange???
TW: arachnophobia
I hope you get a visit from this guy tonight
Because I look at policy and results. Actual peace, actual economic benefits, and damn, do I love his transition team.
I think the worst thing the Dems did for their party was rig their primaries. Bernie was a big one, I think it would have altered the course of the next few elections for sure. And then when they did it to Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang… and this year to RFK jr…
Whoever is making the controlling decisions behind the party facade wanted puppets instead of genuine leaders, and they chased the good candidates out. The ones who had integrity (Tulsi, RFK), reached out to see what was going on on the other side and found good footing there. I followed.
If I see a clip, I search out the full video for context. If I read a quote, I search out where that quote came from to get context. When context is inserted, it turns out Trump is incredibly decent, and I like it over here.
And bring that spider on, I’ve got a giant-ass lynx cat and a guardian dog, both of which love munching on spiders.
You make a good point about the primaries. In the previous elections, Bernie Sanders getting shafted definitely shifted a lot of their supporters away from the Democrap Party and Bernie’s social democracy towards socialism (like, working class seizing means of production). It had a real radicalising effect on people. They were being disenfranchised by federal politics so they looked towards unions and direct democratic organising away from the broken electoral system.
Whoever is making the controlling decisions behind the party facade
Money talks - you can’t dominate a US election without it. And most people don’t have the kind of money that talks, so both parties inevitably end up representing the owner class rather than popular opinion of their supporters. Democrat donors don’t want radical changes which would threaten their wealth, so no matter how popular a Bernie is, they’re going to do all they can to block them. On the other hand, while Trump is similarly unorthodox and controversial like Bernie, they’re not really a threat to the owner class’s wealth (Trump himself is a business owner!). So even while many Republican donors did object and push hard for alternatives, they didn’t do a Democrat and obstruct him.
I’m afraid he will :/
He did :D
The next 4 years should be great
We shall see. I think I’m lucky to live overseas tho
I hope you’re happy, fascist.
I am. It’s going to be a good 4 years. Maybe we can add 8 years of vance next and get 12 straight republican president years.
You’re… hoping for 12 years of the blood of countless minorities (plus innocent Palestinians and Ukrainians) being shed and the U.S becoming a White-Supremacist, Christian Nationalist, Fascist state?
Fuck you.
I don’t even know how to respond to this. I feel bad for you. After Trump leaves office is the next republican going to be a far right bla bla bla too? I’m sad when elections don’t go my way but this is weird unhinged stuff. You’re basically acting as logical as a flat earther.
Not rage bait. I’m a republican and don’t give a single fuck if i piss people off with my views. Cool looking dog though. I almost adopted a dude that looked like that.
Do you need a big?
Paedophilia as a sickness, especially non-offending paedos.
I chalk this up to not having a word to describe folks suffering from the condition as opposed to predators acting on their condition (or even predators just abusing children regardless of attraction). For a ton of people they use the word pedophile to mean someone who sexually abuses children. Because as soon as nuanced discussion about “pedophiles who don’t abuse kids” come up, people accuse you of “defending pedophiles” but they use it to mean “defending people who abuse children.”
I’d call it a cultural artifact. We used to get married very young. In some cultures the kids are introduced to sex by the grandparents. And of course in our own culture the ideal of sexy beauty is a supermodel who looks like a 13 year old boy. It’s a whirlwind wrapped in a psychosis for sure.
Anything pro-suicide
Oh that is a good one. Thanks.
Medically assisted suicide is pretty widely accepted in Canada, in my experience. Pro non medically assisted suicide or young suicide is different, maybe.
Non medically assisted
I fucking hate React. It’s slow, verbose, and unpleasant to work with. It’s all the worst parts of Java brought over to JavaScript. That being said, it’s still better than Angular.
Angular my beloved…
What’s wrong with it if I may ask?
There’s so much boilerplate to even do the most simple tasks. And that boilerplate is something that could usually be automatically added by a compiler.
That kind of stuff often introduces footguns.
I think what started me down the anti-React path was realizing that there were other frameworks out there that don’t even use a virtual dom. Plus you get tired of being told that the most obvious and intuitive way to do various things in React actually goes against some best practice that they’ve established.
I wouldn’t mind switching to alternative libraries like Svelte or Solid but can’t imagine going back to plain Javascript for complex applications. It’s a pain in the ass, even with jQuery.
I use Svelte, and I love it. Although I’m not a huge fan of the new Runes syntax. It’ll probably grow on me though.
As a lesbian trans person I like the words dyke and tranny, but only use it for myself. They’re funny and cute. I was honestly surprised to learn that people are so deeply against the words.
It’s a shame because t*anny sounds so cute. Maybe someday it gets reclaimed.
As a lesbian trans person I’ll be glad to not hear those words said about me thanks.
Are they used as slurs against you? I’m typically called gay, pervert, n word. Just stuff that doesn’t hit the mark.
Try barrage and transmission, you got censored there
Are those instances?
They were algospeek alternatives for your words. A way aroubd censorship. In mechanics we call transmissions tr***y
What censorship?
To begin with, that the offending words are automatically being replaced by “removed”
They’re funny and cute.
I agree, I was disappointed when I found out that the tr word is a slur, but that’s just how it goes, you can’t control people’s perspective on words. The best that we can do is avoid them.
- “Why doesn’t this site have more in common with reddit, which it’s literally a clone of?”
- Can’t bring up Trans people existing (without a weirdo downvoting you)
- Can’t be critical of… a certain religion without getting jumped by keyboard warriors and getting called a Genocide Supporter
- Don’t even get me started on whatever the heck is with the Hexbear people…
OOL on hexbear people
Hexbear is a Lemmy instance with very vocal and opinionated leftists.
Ah like centrists are evil?
I don’t get your point. Hexbear is not centrist, it’s very left leaning.
Nah like it’s their pov?
Ohhh, I get you now. Yes, that’s likely a thing most of them would believe.
(Not saying I agree or disagree with it, just trying to explain what Hexbear typically implies to most people in a factual, unbiased way because you said you’re out of the loop.)
Hexbear existed as an instance prior to the Reddit API changes of 2023. They’d been around for a few years. Most instances federate by default with everyone, but Hexbear took a slower opening of it because they already had an established culture. (Think of this similarly to people discussing the pros/cons of federating with Threads. It would be a big change to the way things are now so it’s controversial.) It’s possible they weren’t ever federated with (your instance) so you may have never seen them or interacted with them.
I haven’t seen them I think. I was under the impression that it was something quite different from Lemmy, but still federated. Thx for explaining.
I’ve not yet heard any claims on or outside Lemmy that it is a Reddit clone. The model of hosting forums/communities was never unique to Reddit as far as I know.
I’m curious what you’re willing to generally apply to “Hexbear folks” (I don’t think I’ve talked to many).
And Lemmy is totally an echo chamber most of the time (based on my experience, obviously mileage may vary) but it wasn’t intended to be that way unlike almost every commercial social media platform. I would assume this distinction is why people would be less likely to be willing to admit it.
Re: Hexbear
The people who run into issues with Hexbear largely aren’t Hexbear’s target demographic, namely Marxists and Anarchists.
Lemmy is full of people that I would never want to hang out with IRL
Yeah it seems the topic is irrelevant. They’ll eventually just start yammering about communism, Linux and ublock. It’s hard to have a conversation on here that doesn’t get sidelined by those things. I can’t imagine these people carrying on a normal conversation in the real world, and I don’t think they understand that the world exists outside of those narrow interests.
Like OP will say they hate MS Teams. Person will say stop using Microsoft. OP will say, I’d love to but my government employer is an MS shop. Person will say then quit your job. K…
It’s either very sheltered people who’ve not worked or interacted in ‘the mainstream’ or, really young naive people who think that your FOSS convictions will stand up against the need to earn a living.
I prefer it to Reddit still, but it gets a bit tedious.
Lemmy needs more spice…
The bit on Hexbear is that they are Marxists and Anarchists, which can draw ire from liberals.