@LovesTha @Tak
People act like you need a huge population to have rail, but #Germany moves people around smaller towns just fine by rail.
#PublicTransit #PublicTransportation #FuckCars #WarOnCars #urbanism #de
Elder millennial. Educated. #Exvangelical. Hedonist. Misanthrope. City mouse.
A #sexpositive account. Occasional 🔞 (not me), but always properly tagged and CW’d. Followers always hidden.
Proudly anti-zionist. #FreePalestine #FromTheRiverToTheSea 🇵🇸
#Fedi22 #cannabis #nomanssky #worldbox #sexpositiv #anticapitalism #antifascism #antiwork #fuckcars #fucklawns #degrowth
@LovesTha @Tak
People act like you need a huge population to have rail, but #Germany moves people around smaller towns just fine by rail.
#PublicTransit #PublicTransportation #FuckCars #WarOnCars #urbanism #de
@990000 @chiliedogg
Implement mixed-use zoning with rent controls, and I think you’ll find that not everybody wants to have a lawn.
And do I need to explain why being outside for several minutes isn’t as much of an issue in places with lots of tall buildings?
I understand the impulse to call them inherent, but they’re really just consequences of the same bad policy that kept people off public transit for 60 years.
@chiliedogg @Annoyed_Crabby @fuck_cars
I’d bet that a lot of that inefficiency was built in as a precondition of its passage. That’s how it works in red states. Let blue islands implement “woke” policies, but only in ways that kneecap them from the beginning, so you can campaign against their “failure” in a few years.
Edited for clarity.
#texas #publictransit #tx #houston #waroncars #fuckcars
@PastaCeci @Elmerfuddz
It’s even worse than THAT: those huge trucks you see nowadays are almost never used to haul anything, and the owners don’t even try to pretend anymore -they acknowledge that it’s just about giving off a manly image.
@VirtualOdour @return2ozma @fuck_cars
The tyre extinguishers are more worth your while to support:
#fuckcars #WarOnCars #ClimateCrisis