• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • a cronjob (from chronos meaning time) is an automated task that occurs when the system clock hits a date and time

    they are kept in a crontab (cron table) and are written with a number representing minute-hour-monthday-month-weekday-command


     45 23 * * 6 echo hello world

    would run at the 45th minute of the 23rd hour of the 6th weekday (11:45pm on a Saturday) and print “hello world” to the console

    it was invented in 1970 for Unix systems (like Jurassic Parks hacking scene), and is still in use today in most servers*

    *don’t come after me with specifics, trying to ELI5 here.