don’t hide the full story, they pay devs millions to keep their games exclusive to epic for a year. that is an extremely scummy business practice that you are rewarding and encouraging if you buy from this shitfest of a platform
don’t hide the full story, they pay devs millions to keep their games exclusive to epic for a year. that is an extremely scummy business practice that you are rewarding and encouraging if you buy from this shitfest of a platform
they pay devs (mostly indie) millions to make their games exclusive to epic for up to over a year. i’d rather not support a company that pays to limit your choice as a consumer
i never disputed that??
please get a personality
Yup, all you’re doing is teaching them to cover their tracks
Cars are spyware with wheels.
We’re getting closer and closer to the complete destruction of this worthless shithole, keep it up elon!
Can someone copypaste the article? I’m not making an account.
what stealth mission gear microwave does bro have
If you don’t care about privacy that much, which I assume you don’t because you use Twitch, Kick is the only alternative I can recommend. Everything else either is dead, is in another language, or has no good content, which sucks because some of them had good privacy policies. Monopolies are dogshit.
Don’t use Twitch
PowerWash Simulator
It’s Apple, their entire business model is making their tech as restrictive as possible and stripping away as much freedom as they legally can. You can’t name a company more power-hungry.
Because it’s unimaginably slow on updates
It sure as fuck was. Half of the Nintendo community knows about this situation, and unless for some reason they still have respect for this evil company, they will now freely play whatever switch games they want without giving Nintendo a dime.
I’m sure most Nintendo “fans” aren’t a fan of the company itself, just the games
The fuck is a “trained” police officer?
“This app tries to spy on your personal data”
Needless to say Google hates competition
Please just stop flooding this community with Brave-related shit. We already know what a shitty browser it is, we aren’t living under the rocks you think we are.
wait bowser is back? motherfucker never learns