Who’s your favorite person in the world and what’s one thing you really like about them?
a big neurodivergent pile of vegetable matter // 29 // sf bay area
Who’s your favorite person in the world and what’s one thing you really like about them?
So… straight hair gets greasier the longer it goes without being washed, right? There lots of reasons for that, a few being brushing, combing, running your fingers through it, or just the oil running down it. Well, the curlier your hair is, the harder those things are to do. In fact, oil often won’t run down the strands at all on very curly hair, so you’ll be left with an oily scalp and increasingly dry hair. Shampoo is inherently oil stripping, and if you put it on curly hair that’s already lacks oil, you’ll just make it even more frizzy and awful. Hence, a lot of people with curly hair forego shampoo.
I use Firefox and I literally am a woke vegan.
I’m like 80% sure this person is a troll.
Surprised nobody mentioned “motherlode”.
Something like 50k simoleons in The Sims 2. Absolutely essential to any save file.
I like saying “we’ll burn that bridge when we come to it”.
Most people don’t catch it.
This is why I switched to using Migadu as my email provider with my own URL. They make no qualms about saying email is inherently insecure, but they’re cheap, have great customer service, and they’re independent.
I think Eternity requires an instance to be running v19 of Lemmy, and Beehaw stopped at 18.x, so that’s why it doesn’t work.
So in my limited experience, you just had to submit continuing eligibility reports that were due every June IIRC. I was actually on Kaiser myself, and your provider doesn’t change unless you change it.
I was on it for financial reasons for a while pre-COVID, so my memory is fuzzy and it may have changed. I could look through the DHCS website to confirm, but hopefully this helps.
EDIT: Here’s the official website, which isn’t necessarily detailed yet seems to confirm what I said. They generally try to make it easy to stay on Medi-Cal if you need it. Also, here’s a page linking to a bunch of general Medi-Cal info. I know that it can be daunting navigating the government websites, but they’re generally the best places to find information.
New HeliBoard release just came out yesterday, so no, development has not stopped.
I never have because my current car was a total flop LMAO
And my car before that was a Prius, sooooooo
Before the cross and the curve, of course.
considering David is still there all in one piece
you’ve got to be kidding me
No, it was Peter who denied Jesus three times. Judas gave Jesus up to the Roman government by kissing him to show them who Jesus was.
I think the original commenter suggested autism because of OP’s rather… peculiar hyperfixation. Hyperfixations on atypical things are common in people on the spectrum.
To me, it’s either that or OP is very very young.
EDIT: also, star trek rules
TL;DR: Skip to the last paragraph.
So, I studied psychology in university and this is to the best of my knowledge.
IQ is basically scientifically outdated and based in racism and classism. The guy who popularized IQ testing in the US, Lewis Terman, was a horrible racist who loved using it to prove White people were superior to black people. There are much newer theories of intelligence that view it more as a domain-based thing (e.g. someone might not be musically intelligent, but they might be mathematically intelligent and so on).
There are also different ways your score could’ve been thrown off, too, especially if your ADHD is relatively severe. Unless you have some sort of developmental disability like Down syndrome, it’s actually pretty likely your IQ is roughly the same as your siblings’.
Honestly, the real issue here is the ADHD. Take it from someone who also has it: if left unchecked, it can be a life-ruiner. I was a B and C student and had no clue why until I was almost 23 and finally got diagnosed. I got into university, but it was only after spending 4 years in community college. The guy who diagnosed me said that he doesn’t know how I actually managed to do it. He said it was like I had been trying to swim with cement blocks tied to my feet.
Forget intelligence for a second. You are very obviously an capable person. You worked hard in school, you have a good command of the English language, and you’re holding down a job in fast food (a field that sent me to tears multiple times, mind you). Your problem is that you’ve had a very rough life with little support. Prioritize kicking your addictions (maybe try and find a recovery group). See a therapist to talk through your father’s abuse. See a psychiatrist to talk about medication for ADHD (non-narcotic, of course). You deserve to be satisfied with your life, and I believe you can get there.
It’s all in the eyes.
I did. Still nicer than San Francisco LOL
Isn’t the actual Salem Village called Danvers now anyway?
can’t imagine you would have many problems on opensuse tumbleweed