I’m definitely impressed !
I’m definitely impressed !
I didn’t think of that ! 🤯 There definitely would be a way to do something even stupider with multiple PC
I really want to try it because I can’t resist stupid projects, but I’m stuck on a crappy old Thinkpad for now, and it probably would die at step 1 install Windows 11 😅 So it’s only theoretical for now, but I hope to try it whenever I get a new PC !
Using tldr
to learn commands. It gives you the information you are probably looking for in the man page but it’s not buried among lines and lines and lines of arcane stuff and it’s formatted in a readable way with helpful examples. Saved my sanity more than once.
I’m not saying “don’t read the man pages”, they are great way to get a deeper understanding of commands. But when you are just wondering what a command does and how it’s commonly used, then a two lines summary + example is much more helpful than an essay going in minute details over everything.
Since it takes a lot less time than hunting the same info in the man page, you can run it before every command you are not familiar with, without too much hassle. Then if you want more info you can check the man page.
Talking to people I don’t know and initiating conversations in general -__-"
Nothing yet, I’m still trying to figure out how to get my orange pi working… not much progress yet because I am just starting and making a server is very intimidating 😅 For now I’d like to just get it working so I can access a hard drive, and if I manage that and feel very daring, then pihole, jellyfin and home assistant.
Cat pictures ? Definitely the best possible use of a server 😄
Wow thanks, I’m definitely going to alias that :)
I thought I had left that crap behind years ago when I ditched Internet Explorer for Firefox, and then Firefox for Waterfox… but since switching to linux a few months ago I haven’t managed to install it so I’ve been stuck with Firefox… 😠 Time to try Librewolf I guess.
As a general rule :
Random stuff :
On my computer :
« Ad funded » ? Don’t they mean « Google funded » ?
NOOOOOO please you’re reawakening 20+ years of accumulated Windows trauma 😭 😭 😭
That was so confusing and stressful I don’t know how I --or anyone-- survived the mental strain of regularly troubleshooting Windows
Oh I had no idea that was possible, thanks :D
Definitely Nobara, it’s a distro optimized for making games actually work. On other distros I always had some games that wouldn’t run, but never on Nobara. Zero hassle.
More properly, GNU/Richard Stallman, or GNU + Richard Stallman
It was Windows 10 for me but it was not my first attempt.
The first time I failed to install linux was when I was a teenager in 2003. I don’t remember which Windows version I had then, maybe 98, but I was hating it with a burning passion which hasn’t improved with the next versions. It seems every new Windows version was specifically made to piss me off even more and make the experience of using my computer worse. I tried installing linux as soon as my parents bought a new computer and gave me the old one, chose Red Hat (not RHEL) because it had an installation guide that was marginally more understandable than what I found concerning debian, but it was still pretty lacking and I failed :(
Then last year I finally tried again after accidentally letting through a Windows 10 update (“accidentally” because I had a firewall blocking everything, especially Windows services). That was the update with fucking EdgeView, which broke all my work flow by breaking the CTRL+Arrow keys+Space to select multiple files and requiring to release and re-press the CTRL key each time. This came six months after I had to wipe my entire drive and reinstall Windows after getting infected, probably by cryptomining malware, by running a random exe from github to remove the Edge browser, which I only did out of desperation after all the other solutions to remove it failed (command line, powershell, registry, etc). To be fair to the malware though, it did remove Edge, and I can respect malware developers with professional ethics. I’m much less mad at the malware than I am at Windows for stressing me so much to resort to running randoms exes. Besides, there were so many times where random exes from the internet saved my sanity from Windows induced breakdowns…
As for the why :
Since switching to linux and distro-hopping a lot I have added the following, which I hadn’t even know were even possible before :
Definitely not going back =D
No but if anyone is crazy enough to try please share pics 😀
(I would try but… I only have an old laptop that can’t even manage step 1… those Win 11 hardware requirements ) 💀