Ootl… What’s going on with that particular power plant?
Ootl… What’s going on with that particular power plant?
Keep the rubber side down, also.
In the helicopter world is “keep the spinny bits up”
And with other animals, too. I had a German shepherd who was chill about me being around his food but never had another dog around him while he was eating.
At some point while he was still younger than 2 we had a family get together. Brother brought his dog over. Sweetest pit you’d ever meet.
Time to feed the dogs. Had them separated, but she finished before my dog and she came sniffing around. He didn’t like that and nipped at her. She backed off, but the flags were raised.
With my brothers reluctant permission, I had to give him some on the spot training. I had to sit there between the dogs while he ate, petting my brother’s dog and mine while slowly moving her closer so he had a chance to get used to it with someone he trusts guiding the whole thing along.
In the end he was fine and never had anymore issues with dogs being around him, but I kept a watchful eye on him after that any time another dog was around.
When it comes to food it depends on the dog. Some are food reactive and could bite for doing that.
That’s what I’ve done for my last few phones. Aside from a battery issue that got replaced on a “recall” of sorts, my pixel 4XL has been running strong for years now. Haven’t bought a brand new phone for well over a decade now
So fuckin what? Doesn’t mean you need to be a dick about it
What do you use in place of GApps? F-droid?
Also, what’s the flashing process like these days? Does it still wipe everything or is there a way to save all the personal stuff?
Nor can he find the irony of not being able to use something without having an account
I down voted you because you down voted him
It’s not just about making fun of her. You’re leaving out a very important part.
It’s also about making fun of the conspiracy nut jobs that think the Superbowl was rigged and that Swift was behind the whole thing, which is the premise behind her plane being the one that dropped the acorn
What’s the believe all women thing? I haven’t heard that phrase before.
No, but the attention span kids have these days seem to be shortening. Phones and the current state of social media intake doesn’t help.
That said, a faraday cage is absolutely too far, but they don’t need their phones when they should be focusing on the course.
Oh good Lord. Fuckin idiots.