You can tell who got offended by/doesn’t understand the bear meme in this thread
this is in fact, a star wars meme.
That much can be said about it.
This is the exact scenario.
Had Leia happened upon some random person out in the forest, she likely would have hidden and observed to figure out their intentions/allegiance before engaging. As would I, a guy.
And when the ewoks happened upon some random guys in the forest they got super agro defensive until C3PO said “not all men”.
Empire did nothing wrong /s
That’s what
Darth PlagueisJar Jar wants you to think.I want a shitty fan trailer where it starts with someone saying “Somehow Plagueis returned…” where all we ever see is the tall hooded silhouette that never speaks
Then at the end, the hood pulls back, head still in silhouette, but a very… Distinct head appears, and in a slightly deeper than normal voice, we hear “Meesa back…” as glowing yellow eyes open up.
Nice idea…
Funny and got a chuckle, but I really can’t wait for the bear meme to die. It’s tiring and has overstayed its welcome.
I miss less toxic comment sections
Okay, this is the best one of this meme.
the ewoks seemed pretty civil to me tbh
Weren’t they gonna eat everybody until they thought C3PO was a god?
So is C3PO holding the answer to this conflict? 🤔
The diplomatic relations droid? Seems implausible.
Skynet is always the answer
Always was
The comedian Daniel O’Brian once pointed out that the Ewoks clearly have flat teeth like a herbivores, which implies that eating meat isn’t necessary or even natural for them. It’s a deliberate choice. I think about that a lot.
Thankfully us humans have our killer canines! /s
Not Leia
Turns out ewoks are the perfect analogy for the man vs bear in the woods meme.
i don’t know, i just got here
Brilliant lol
Can we avoid stupid debates at least here? I really don’t think this topic is appropriate for a star wars memes community, I’m tired of stupid sexist bs invading every community
What did I miss?
Someone posed a very ill-formed question that results in no winners. “Would you rather find yourself in the woods with a bear or a man?”
The argument is almost designed to make men feel discriminated against and women feel like men don’t listen to them. There’s just enough room for everyone to bring in their own assumptions about the situation to justify their position, so everyone else feels defensive.
The only winner is the bear.
The bear will eat quite well.
Not from eating people, bears don’t like people.
The bear is eating leftover popcorn from all the people watching the shitshow from the sidelines.
It’s becoming a problem, the bears are getting too fat for winter
No the friendly apex predator of the woods is painted in a very bad light in a lot of these arguments. So no winners really
I don’t get the context but it sounds like you are taking this personally.
That’s the neat part, it doesn’t matter what you say, 90% of the users on Lemmy are taking it personally.
Fair enough
Removed by mod
That’s why I said the post didn’t feel appropriate to me, dragging this topic only makes it worse for everyone (even the poor ewoks), then some people started to misinterpret (some in clear bad faith) my statement and bring more hate 🙃
I’m tired of the internet, even asking for peace brings controversy nowadays…
Another person who missed the point.
women underestimate how dangerous bears are and overestimate how dangerous men are,
men underestimate how dangerous men are and overestimate how dangerous bears are,
everyone thinks the opposite just irrationally hates them and does it to hurt them.
It is basically a troll question designed to exploit the lack of immediacy, recency bias, and poorly-calibrated statistical assessment of threats, among those surveyed.
For comparison they could’ve placed the subjects in a room with 2 doors at the other side labeled “A” and “B” and posed the choice to the subject this way:
“Behind door A is a man randomly selected from the population. Behind door B is a bear randomly selected from the population of all bears. You have to press one of these buttons right now and whichever button you press will open the corresponding door and give either the man or the bear access to this room.”
Gonna guess they would get wildly different results than they did when it was just a nebulous hypothetical.
says “please don’t debate here”
immediately calls the subject of the meme sexist
Somehow you expect people to do the thing you yourself won’t even do.
Also, there is no rule that the memes can’t be attached to debates. I have seen all sorts of current events/pot stirring memes here. Were you guys outspoken then?
The meme is about a controversial topic which has lead to numerous debates lately where “both sides” are extremely sexist to the other. I made an statement, it wasn’t subject of debate (unlike the meme).
there is no rule that the memes can’t be attached to debates
Never said that, I actually enjoy a lot of debates born from memes, so that’s not the problem. I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it. Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-
Were you guys outspoken then?
-which you seem to try to encourage. Nice try, but I’m not changing my mind here, this post doesn’t seem appropriate to me in the slightest. People here expect “haHa [insert funny akward quote]”, not “let’s compare ewoks to fucking rapists”.
Oh 😂😂🤣🤣😆 you just keep giving.
Love it! 🎉🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why do you get to decide what I want to see in this community?
Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-
Do you know what debates are? What they are for? How they operate? A debate is always two opposing ideas, they are literally designed to divide and revolve around conflict. If you only like debates that unite and cause harmony then you don’t actually like debates, you like discussions.
I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it.
A) Yes it’s a debate about sexism and rape culture, of course it’s going to involve sexism.
B) Everything is politics. People who complain about things “getting too political” just don’t like the politics on display.
We are literally in a meme community revolving around an allegory for the Vietnam war where the good guys are analogous to the Vietcong. If you think Star Wars is not a place for politics then you don’t understand Star Wars.
I didn’t see their response, but I’m sure it was something in the vein of “if I don’t like it it’s politics and politics bad.”
It still shows up for me, I’ll post it below for reference.
The meme is about a controversial topic which has lead to numerous debates lately where “both sides” are extremely sexist to the other. I made an statement, it wasn’t subject of debate (unlike the meme).
there is no rule that the memes can’t be attached to debates
Never said that, I actually enjoy a lot of debates born from memes, so that’s not the problem. I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it. Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-
Were you guys outspoken then?
-which you seem to try to encourage. Nice try, but I’m not changing my mind here, this post doesn’t seem appropriate to me in the slightest. People here expect “haHa [insert funny akward quote]”, not “let’s compare ewoks to fucking rapists”.
It is baffling how difficult it is for some people to simply go “I wonder why they feel that way?” instead of making it their mission to prove the meme/women wrong before even hearing them out, all based on a snap judgment.
It’s the Principal Skinner meme response.
“Could I be wrong about the way men behave in society that makes women feel so uncomfortable? No, it’s the women who are wrong.”
Serious comedy genius.
Me and my buds got all offended by this but then I remembered us dudes shared Bill Burr’s “Toughest job in the world” joke over and over and this is just them being dramatic over that