Incapacity to discuss random topics just for the fun of it. Taking herself too seriously.
I married an Irish/Scottish girl. I should have seen the gorgeous red hair and green eyes and run for the hills, but no.
She’ll debate anything, any time, anywhere. Trump during a commercial? Sure. Abortion over a muffin? Totally. Raisins (scourge or sweet snack?) in an airline security line? All day.
Find yourself a good scot and you’ll converse until you die. Violently.
Talking abortion over muffin is unironically the most hilarious idea I’ve read today.
I don’t see the problem. Sounds like an awesome person
Red hair green eyes and conversable ? You might have unlocked something in me.
That’s fair, I kinda imagined working with someone elses code on the same project
Did you reply to the wrong thread?
Celebrity/billionaire worship. Just no. It means their values are wildly erratic.
Not at all trivial!
For some it us. Sadly
This one got me absolutely destroyed on reddit once upon a time. I have asthma and allergies, but apparently it’s really because I’m classiest and racist. It was a fascinating thread.
…how is smoking supposed to be connected to race? In any way?
Menthols maybe? And that it’s harder for people of a lower socioeconomic status to quit smoking? Otherwise, no idea.
Yeah, that was my assumption. Poor people are more likely to smoke, black people are more likely to be stuck in a cycle of poverty, therefore…?
I don’t disagree with those two sentences, but then making the jump to personal health and personal dating preferences is quite the leap.
I think someone got butthurt that they didn’t have a shot with a random lady on the internet they would never meet, got defensive, and the too-much-time-online types ran with it.
At least to the people around me, frequent substance us.
I would argue that doesn’t qualify as trivial.
What my friends would say to me is “who cares if they do a bit of weed (understatement), or get drunk once or twice a month?”
Personally, if you need substances to have fun, you’re boring.
Uses tabs instead of spaces.
But once they go through the compiler they’re essentially the same!
I don’t want a GF who’s gone through a compiler
but she will be optimised for your hardware!
I’m using both a the same time, one tab, two space, another tab…
This way everyone is happy.
You’re a maniac- in the best way possible.
This kills the python
Drinks Tab in Space.
My home theater. I love movies and if someone said I couldn’t have it hooked up to the main TV I’d walk. I’d rather date someone who either enjoys it or at least it’s neutral on having there.
Also I don’t care if they have a garden. But it will be classified as a hobby, not as yard work or house work when they work in it. Because I’ll never work in one.
I don’t expect help in the garden on an everyday basis, no way. I do what I want with it, don’t take requests, so it’s mine and my responsibility. But since everyone gets food out of it, they do help occasionally with bigger things; carrying dirt from front driveway to garden, building planters.
Home theater, who cares? Wouldn’t everyone put that on the biggest TV? We have only one TV but if there were two of course the bigger one would make the most sense.
Oh, on that - TV in the bedroom is a no for me, too. Doesn’t matter for casual, but if I am living somewhere I never want a TV in the bedroom. Music speaker yes, that’s fine. TV no way. Thankfully we’ve had space outside of bedroom for gaming and TV and computer, that is very important to me.
If it’s something you want and your partner doesn’t care one way or the other about, it shouldn’t factor in.
If you want to make the candles you use around the house, maybe they smell nice, maybe they get used, maybe they’re cheaper than store-bought, but that’s a hobby.
If you do a bunch of baking, especially for people outside the home but even inside it, and your partner isn’t all about you cooking, that’s a hobby, and you clean up your own mess. That’s not chores (unless you’re getting paid).
Chores are necessities to keep the communal house going, not anything that takes effort.
I agree with the basic maintenance thing being a chore, but I understand where OP is coming from. So if one person out of the pair decides with previous warning that they want to plant a bunch of stuff then it’s their responsability to take care of them.
In my situation for example, I live with my partner in an apartment, and the vases are his to maintain and take care of. We’ve talked about where we would live next and my parter wants a yard and I don’t. So I’ve forewarned him that if we have a yard in a future house it belongs to him, and any decisions to move to a house with a yard come with that agreement. This is all very different situation to living in a house with a yard already, or not having the choice when moving for some reason.
Exactly. I fully agree
Insisting on having sex with me.
I don’t understand. Like, they just want that to be a part of the relationship? Or they’re pushy?
Maybe ace or demisexual?
Uses spaces instead of tabs.
Username checks out
If they smoke
I wouldn’t consider that trivial though
I just don’t like ashy kisses…
I feel you big time!
The taste, the smell, the hassle,
It’s a huge deal!
Look at this guy, getting kisses!!!
My buddy said this for years … until he found an exception. Oh, was she gorgeous and kind and just a joy to be around when she wasn’t smoking. The universe has a sense of humour, and it’s mean.
Your buddy: I can… fix…her…
Narrator: he started smoking 2 days later.
Uses spaces instead of tabs.
As someone who has primarily used spaces, I still use the tab key. I sincerely hope most space users understand that your editor can expand your tab key into spaces, and people aren’t genuinely going around spamming their spacebar 2->16 times for various indentation levels.
Spaces are kinda better, because tabs are not consistent across editors/platforms. Just please use the tab key to indent, don’t press the spacebar x times like a monkey
I prefer tabs because they aren’t consistent
I personally find 2-space indented code harder to read than 4-space. If I’m working on someone else’s codebase which is indented with 2-spaces then I have to cope. But if it’s tab-indented then I can just edit the setting in my editor to display a tab char as 4 whitespace chars
The problem is that when you then want to align stuff, you have to use spaces. So you need to use tabs for indentation and use spaces for alignment. This is actually the perfect, objectively best way to do it, but because it requires a deliberate mix of tabs and spaces, it’s too complicated to use for a large project with lots of maintainers. You just need a single maintainer doing it wrong to ruin it.
There is also the issue that you’ll often see the code in a place where you can’t control the tab length, i.e. printed in your terminal by some program that doesn’t have an option for that, or viewed on the web, like GitHub.
i’d probably use tabs if they weren’t so massive by default.
do people actually use 8 space wide tabs? if so, what for?
Most editors have them at 4 by default.
oh. i guess i’m using the wrong editors then :P
Fake nails. I have nothing against people who wear them, but for some reason it just instantly makes me think we are not compatible at all.
Being unnecessarily wasteful with food. Not even attempting to save it or tossing all away over some easily resolvable issue like “I’m not hungry right now” Throws in trash.
Motor mouth
If they aren’t vegan.
Or, hear me out: if they are
Yeah fuck people who are against animal abuse and actually live out their principles.
Like you could at least say “preachy vegans”. This is still problematic, because it ignores that everyone is preachy about issues they understand are immoral (we’re all preachy anti-racists, anti-rapists, etc.)
But just saying “vegan” is wild.
You can’t turn them down if they aren’t interested in you.