Anyone have a link to a compilation?
Here’s a website that appears to have all of them: of Everett True/
And here’s an old book with the collection from Michigan State University:
Thank you!
Yeah, this was indeed one of the only good ones.
The rest is just complaining about anything.
Such an educator.
Woke feminist marxist time travellers strike again!
Some one should turn this whole thing into the skeletor meme format
The right likes to refer to “wokeness” as “cultural Marxism” now.
The word Marxism has historically been demonized by Red Scare propaganda, so the right likes to use the word to refer to anything that they don’t like, like a Boogeyman of sorts.
“Cultural Marxism” is a specific reference to the Nazi term “Cultural Bolshevism” btw
The lesson I’ve learned is keep out True’s reach
yeah, chicks hate that.
If I’ve told them once, I’ve told them a thousand times.
Never call chicks broads.
Ooooh there’s a bunch from this series. Thanks!
There really is so much. According to wikipedia, it ran for 20 years until 1927, then was basically forgotten until some paper started reprinting them in the 1980s.
I’m trying to spread them out as best as I can.
I’ve seen restreams for Bloom County and Calvin and Hobbes, I wonder if anyone’s doing Pogo yet. I wonder if I could set that up with minimum required maintenance…
I see there’s a few books. Both older, scanned, archived online and new from Amazon.
Broads and dames.
To boost attendance at games in Ebbets Field back in the 1940s, the Brooklyn Dodgers started with the “Ladies Night” concept, and supposedly things got rowdier and louder - by a long shot - on those occasions than on any other, regular ol’ night.Good start.
Now learn that there are people who don’t even like the word “lady” because of its etymological origin.
The “l” and “a” are effectively those of the word “loaf”, and the “-dy” comes from a word meaning “dough-worker”. That is, “lady” is the title for someone who makes the bread. The one who does the cooking. The one whose place is in the kitchen.
The person who taught me this was fine with the descriptor “woman” on account of “man” being the species first. They considered later male-specific interpretations to be irrelevant.
it used to be woman and werman and then the wer got dropped in modern English
wif(e)man and wer(e)man technically, but yeah.
thank you. I should’ve looked it up, I was just going off top of head
You know, taking a 30 second look at the wiktionary page for ‘lady’ would have given you the proper etymological evolution of ‘lady’ and you still would have been correct about the meaning of the word that it originally evolved from. Either way, language grows and evolves. Meanings change. To judge a modern word off of its archaic origins is asinine.
At no point did I say I held the opinion myself. The specific person I knew who held it would have been equally charitable about yours.
What I’ve learned from this comment is that there is an extremely small percentage of gals who may dislike the term ladies based on a very obscure reason, so until they tell me their personal objections the reasonable thing is to go with the common societal usage of the word.
You’re probably getting down voted because it’d be the same as if I got on my high horse and replied, “well you oughta learn that some people don’t even like the word ‘person’ because it reminded them of existing”.
Like sure, that happened to you and it’s great that you can now refer to your friend the way they prefer. But that’s such a niche situation that I don’t think it should be conveyed in a manner as if people were inadequate for not knowing. Makes a good story to tell though.
If you’d just said “fun fact, some people blah blah blah” it carries a very different tone then “good start, now learn that blah blah blah”
One implies it is an experience you had, the other implies it is an experience that all others should’ve known.
Objecting to a word because of its origins 800 years ago is ridiculous. If people want to object to words based on possibly offensive origins, they’ll have to throw out an awful lot of them!
As a side note, “lord” originates from the Old English words for “loaf ward”, or keeper of the bread. Interesting!
Etymology isn’t relevant to how a word is used now. I can guarantee you that nobody hears the word “lady” and thinks “They just called me a bread-maker! How rude!”
People really used to brawl back in the day, fr fr.
Did he just assault Conan O’Brien?!
Haha yes! Its gotta be that long nose and smirky expression