(Not my post.)
As someone who has installed a toilet or two, I have to say, the skills of the plumber who managed to reach in there and tighten all the connexions is seriously underrated. Mr Fantastic level reach. Which makes me think this is fake.
It didn’t start that narrow. That’s just how narrow it got before R2 stopped the walls from closing in.
The walls were put up after the toilet, possibly. (Probably fake)
For a second it looked like there was a shower curtain rod behind the toilet… Yikes.
Pretty sure that’s not ADA compliant.
I don’t think it’s OSHA compliant either.
I’d double check the Geneva Conventions while you’re at it.
What scene is this comment meant to be referencing? The only scene I can think of with R2-D2 and a conveyor is the droid factory in AotC, but that line isn’t said in there. I would think the trash compactor scene from ANH would be more apt for the photo, but there is no conveyor in there. Or because this was posted in “a group where everyone pretends to be stupid”, is the commenter intentionally making up a quote and I’m just being gaslit via Asch Experiment analog into thinking that I don’t know Star Wars?
They mean the trash compactor from the first movie, Ep. 4, after they escape with the princess.
That’s what I would think as well, but there is no conveyor
Yeah, they fuck up the whole reference, but that scene was the intent behind the comment.
That seems sorta comfy
It would make me super anxious.
wheres the toilet paper?
Don’t need it. This guy cleans you up.
On the wall behind the photographer. You have to walk over for every piece.
No, you just need to remember to grab the end before you walk over to the toilet.
Clever girl…
I’m slightly claustrophilic, so it wouldn’t bother me psychologically, but it seems like it would be annoying trying to reach around to wipe and stuff. Plus it looks narrower than my shoulders, but that could be the lens.
I’m so glad there’s a big red arrow so I can easily identify the joke. I would have missed it among all the other comments that weren’t visible.
Like I said, not my post.
My brother in Christ, you clicked the New Post button.
To repost that image which is obviously not from Lemmy.
I mean, it sure looks like your post, what with that [OP] tag next to your name.
Obviously the image you’re posting isn’t yours… but you still posted it.
You apparently need arrows more than you think:
Ah, if you say it, it must be true. I must be hallucinating you having posted it.
Oh for fuck’s sake. How much clearer do you need me to make it that, as I said in the body when I did this, I didn’t post it, I just founded it somewhere and reposted it? Is that enough hand holding for you?
Are you claiming that to repost is not itself a form of posting?
FFS. I really didn’t think I had to argue semantics in a meme community.
If you can add red arrows to a picture before submitting it, then why not remove them before submitting as well?
Because I honestly didn’t think it was that big a deal.
And I still don’t.
It’s ok guys. I fix
It’s a group where they all pretend to be stupid, so makes sense.
What type of witchery is going on with that reflection on the right?
The wall has a small corner there so it cuts the reflexion.