I present this evidence to the jury
I would like to follow up with
Send the sound to the eyes and watch them vibrate like hypnotoad.
Exibit B:
Exibit C:
Exibit D:
Exibit E:
Okay, so it’s the Top Right option in the panel. The evidence is right there, presented by exhibit E. Case closed. (Though it should’ve been bottom right if you ask me, but that’s a philosophical matter now.)
My god.
He is chaotic evil no doubt.
I postulate he is just as confused as we are, and is just trying shit out.
This shows that forming tribes around a simple, singular, absolute opinion, is narrow-minded because reality can have several things be true at the same time.
Also how did you find so many images of Mr. Krabs wearing hats?
Maybe you are totally over interpreting four pictures of a crab with a hat but maybe you are right. Or maybe both is true at the same time?
Just image searched the words ‘mr krabs hat’
I would have torrented every season and watched them on fast forward but yours is better
I’d say #4, but this is pretty irrefutable.
Given that he is a ruthless capitalist, likely on his right eye, rather than the left.
It seems there is more than one answer to this philosophical question…
Art thou feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?
Still can’t believe they got rid of that episode
But why?
That’s the one episode your mother tunes into and you loose all TV privileges.
I think because of the panty raid bit
Humanity lost a treasure.
Real answer: whatever is funniest to the animators at the time
This meme dilemma was someone’s actual job to figure out at some point and they chose for “All of them”