Games should start releasing 3D box arts that come with each game again. They could even have manuals that you have to search for inside the box. Then hide tips and tricks in the manual so people are inclined to read every page.
Could even make a good teaser site for an upcoming title.
A Steam library view with shelves of boxes would be so cool. Sorta like what GOG has
Reminds me of my days at Babbage’s.
Alas, they don’t have the nostalgia box I was looking for (any of the Petz series). Looking at the other boxes (especially the Netscape) box really took me back, though. Software boxes were so exciting and magical to see in the store back when you had a modem where download times were measured in minutes and hours for a few megabytes rather than seconds.
Wasn’t there some company that was recreating boxes for games? Could’ve swore I saw one.
I’ve seen a few different ones, although I haven’t seen one specifically for PC games. I’ve seen Etsy shops like this one and websites like this one for mini versions.