Hmm, maybe. I guess it depends on the blank. I don’t know much about anime, but are many of the girls just basically dogs or dinosaurs or whatever the equivalent would be of fucking a wolf or a dragon?
They’re humans with some animal features, so none of the above would count as bestiality. I don’t think a fantasy involving a werewolf and a fancy dildo is anywhere near bestiality either, so maybe don’t judge people for a little kink.
Anime ____________ Girls
Hmm, maybe. I guess it depends on the blank. I don’t know much about anime, but are many of the girls just basically dogs or dinosaurs or whatever the equivalent would be of fucking a wolf or a dragon?
It’s basically just beastiality at this point.
I do know much about anime and these are all mainstream anime I could think of in 10 seconds:
They’re humans with some animal features, so none of the above would count as bestiality. I don’t think a fantasy involving a werewolf and a fancy dildo is anywhere near bestiality either, so maybe don’t judge people for a little kink.
The creature in this comic is in no way a human with some animal features.
You literally just told me about the unclicked links above, so I have no comment on them.
Thank you for showing us that you are a troll.
Animal husbandry?