For me, a few come to mind:
- “You’re imagining everybody in this story way more attractive than they actually were.”
It was posted somewhere on one of those spicy subreddits under some affair threesome story. And it sort if clicked with me. Like look around, normal people on the street don’t all look like supermodels. And supermodels don’t lurk around in reddit comment sections. It really put things into perspective for me.
- “Life isn’t short, it’s the longest thing you’ll ever do.”
It is a bit uplifting to realize that no matter if you have bad or good period in your life, it is only a short chapter contained in the longest time period possible for you to experience.
There were a few others that I probably can’t remember of the top of my head right now.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
The whole poem by Dylan Thomas is fantastic but that line in particular often pops into my head during difficult times, like these.
This is my favorite reading of it. Gives me goosebumps.
“The only person who won’t fire you is you.”
“The sun will rise and set regardless of your life”"
“There’s no such thing as retard/idiot proof, only retard/idiot resistant.”
'A business should never buy idiot proof systems they should just stop hiring idiots"
I don’t have time for-/I didn’t have time to-
What you are really saying is, “I didn’t prioritize-” and that’s OK sometimes. But be real with it. Sometimes it’s OK to prioritize other things, but when you start rephrasing it this way, you realize that you may be putting yourself, your partner, your kids, your family, in second or even third place.
Reminds me of RIP
- “Where ever you go, there you are”
- “We have just enough fuel to make it to the crash site”
- “Ruh-Rouh”
- “Deny, Deny, Deny - Until you believe!”
- “A Rule without Enforcement is just wishful thinking”
- “When life gives you lemons- BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD”
- “Ignoring a alert is the same as normalizing alerts, if it’s important, don’t ignore it, if it’s not important don’t alert for it”
- “Follow the money” - Gripping Hand I think
- “Premature optimization is the root of all evil” - Knuth maybe
- “Once you know something is possible, doing it becomes a exercise in persistence.”
- “Science isn’t what other people say, its what YOU can observe”
“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final.”
– Rainer Maria RilkeThis was used at the end of the movie Jojo Rabbit (one of my favorite movies of all time). I often remember this line when I feel like everything is going wrong, and it helps me hold on to hope.
Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep on living.
the ironic thing about common sense is that it is not that common.
There’s a guy on Youtube by the name of Chris Boden. Slightly controversial figure but he seems to mean well. A video of his that seemed to be venting/reconciling himself included the phrase
“So you wake up one morning in your impact crater and you start. Again.”
“Silence deafens everything.” At first it seems counterintuitive, but being silent can “deafen” those around you (or society) to an issue or problem.
And my friends dad commented on his wanderlust need : “It doesn’t matter where you travel to, you will never get away from yourself”
Confident, Cocky, Lazy, Dead.
The serial killer in the Tad Williams books, but it makes sense to me.
The only peace you will find at the top of a mountain is the peace you bring there with yourself.
“Growing hurts… but it’s always worth the pain.”
-My sister
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
Cynical is a word used by the frightened to describe the realistic.