Since when is voicemail dead? It’s vital for when I miss a call from a healthcare provider, pharmacy, contractor, service provider … do y’all just sit in a sealed box all day?
Spammers never ever leave voicemails, that’s how I know a call was spam. If someone actually needs me, either I have their numbers already or they leave a voicemail
I always get “An unresolved issue in our office requires your immediate attention, please call XYZ” with no other identifying information. I’ve learned to clear my inbox without listening to anything because if we had an existing relationship they’d say so.
…did you think I was lying or something? why would you say “spammers never ever leave voicemails” if I just said they do, lol
Don’t be mad. It’s literally someone else’s phone habits, lol. What a silly thing to get upset about.
I didn’t say every number is private - I said spammers leave voicemails from private numbers so you won’t know who they are. It makes sense, right? “Sirius XM left a voicemail” is obviously spam, but “Unknown number left a voicemail” could be somebody important. Critical thinking, friendo :) Good luck!
You’re insulting people and calling THEM trolls? Truly the height of hypocrisy. I don’t have any more time to waste on you, so I’ll block you without reading your next response. Have the day you deserve.
I send all unknown calls to voice mail. I’ve had my carrier disable voice mail for my phone line.
My providers all use email or are ‘known’ by my phone. … I hope.
If I find myself in a situation like that, I have temporarily turned off automatically sending unknown numbers to voicemail. But about 99% of my existence is sending unknowns into the ether.
Generally I shrug off that scenario. If I need something or want something, I’m available. But if I don’t, then it’s okay to give myself permission to be unavailable.
But also, my phone number isn’t from where I currently live. Numbers that call do show up in my call logs, even if they get sent to a nonexistent voice mail. A number from my current area code may get a call back after I look up their number. But I don’t bother to look up numbers that aren’t from where I’m currently at, or numbers that call me repeatedly. Spammers use computers that automatically retry their calls, so an unreasonable number of calls immediately after one another are a dead giveaway.
Your attention is a valuable commodity. No one is entitled to it. I take a lot of steps to ensure my attention is protected from misuse - including asking a business to give me their number so I can call them first, so they’ll be ‘known’ to my phone before they try to call me.
I’m happy for you that you’ve never had to deal with length prior authorizations, specialty pharmacies, need for clarifications, notifications of delay …
I remember being on the phone with my pharmacist a few hours before my wedding - he called so something could get sorted out ASAP. Fortunately that one didn’t have to go to voicemail.
Since when is voicemail dead? It’s vital for when I miss a call from a healthcare provider, pharmacy, contractor, service provider … do y’all just sit in a sealed box all day?
no, I call my doctors or other services to verify dates… voicemail is abused by spammers so I never listen to them
Spammers never ever leave voicemails, that’s how I know a call was spam. If someone actually needs me, either I have their numbers already or they leave a voicemail
I always get “An unresolved issue in our office requires your immediate attention, please call XYZ” with no other identifying information. I’ve learned to clear my inbox without listening to anything because if we had an existing relationship they’d say so.
…did you think I was lying or something? why would you say “spammers never ever leave voicemails” if I just said they do, lol
You’re aware that you can see the phone number of the caller, right?
See the number? Hell, I’ve had transcription since at least 2010.
That’s me. I’ve been typing out all your messages and you don’t even seem to appreciate it! My fingers hurt…
Why thank you!
Private or unknown number? Assuming my phone is on. Please think.
Your phone will show the phone number of the person who left the voicemail. Please think.
Not every number is private or unknown. Please think.
Don’t be mad. It’s literally someone else’s phone habits, lol. What a silly thing to get upset about.
I didn’t say every number is private - I said spammers leave voicemails from private numbers so you won’t know who they are. It makes sense, right? “Sirius XM left a voicemail” is obviously spam, but “Unknown number left a voicemail” could be somebody important. Critical thinking, friendo :) Good luck!
I’m not mad, you’re just an asshole.
Edit: Ah, called it. You’re just a troll.
You’re insulting people and calling THEM trolls? Truly the height of hypocrisy. I don’t have any more time to waste on you, so I’ll block you without reading your next response. Have the day you deserve.
LOL. Sure thing, troll.
I get tons of spam calls and basically zero spam voicemail 🤷♂️
Plus with most carriers being able to transcribe voicemails I don’t even need to listen to them.
I sit in a box and I smear shit on the walls
cries in Lemmy
I send all unknown calls to voice mail. I’ve had my carrier disable voice mail for my phone line.
My providers all use email or are ‘known’ by my phone. … I hope.
So when the new specialty pharmacy phones you for details on where to send your prescription, you’re just gonna … not?
If I find myself in a situation like that, I have temporarily turned off automatically sending unknown numbers to voicemail. But about 99% of my existence is sending unknowns into the ether.
And what if you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know to expect a call?
Generally I shrug off that scenario. If I need something or want something, I’m available. But if I don’t, then it’s okay to give myself permission to be unavailable.
But also, my phone number isn’t from where I currently live. Numbers that call do show up in my call logs, even if they get sent to a nonexistent voice mail. A number from my current area code may get a call back after I look up their number. But I don’t bother to look up numbers that aren’t from where I’m currently at, or numbers that call me repeatedly. Spammers use computers that automatically retry their calls, so an unreasonable number of calls immediately after one another are a dead giveaway.
Your attention is a valuable commodity. No one is entitled to it. I take a lot of steps to ensure my attention is protected from misuse - including asking a business to give me their number so I can call them first, so they’ll be ‘known’ to my phone before they try to call me.
My pharmacies have always sent me a text notification that my prescription is ready for pick up. The only people calling my phone are scammers
I’m happy for you that you’ve never had to deal with length prior authorizations, specialty pharmacies, need for clarifications, notifications of delay …
I remember being on the phone with my pharmacist a few hours before my wedding - he called so something could get sorted out ASAP. Fortunately that one didn’t have to go to voicemail.
I would wonder why they are not emailing or texting me like they should. I can’t think of anything more rude than calling someone.
And I’m old
A basement actually