Good thing our immune system is programmed to attack anything unknown on sight, extraterrestrial microbes would have a hard time as they wouldn’t have the adaptations to deal with it.
That may be so, but then you things like hayfever where the immune system overreacts to the dumbest shit every year for days on end. I could totally see some innocent extraterrestrial microbe sending the immune system into a self destructive meltdown, or straight up anaphylaxis.
Immune system functions aren’t unique to humans, mammals, or even animals. As it happens the human immune system isn’t as robust as most other animals’.
Bypassing immune responses is also a pretty typical capability for most microbes. We have to regularly inoculate ourselves against stuff we’ve been dealing with since the beginning of time. And when a new one shows up… Well it’s not like that ever happened right?
I’ve always hated that trope of a breathable atmosphere and people remove their helmets.
“This planet is capable of supporting life forms like me!”
“This planet is also capable of supporting fun new microbes that I have no immunities against!”
Good thing our immune system is programmed to attack anything unknown on sight, extraterrestrial microbes would have a hard time as they wouldn’t have the adaptations to deal with it.
That may be so, but then you things like hayfever where the immune system overreacts to the dumbest shit every year for days on end. I could totally see some innocent extraterrestrial microbe sending the immune system into a self destructive meltdown, or straight up anaphylaxis.
You hope.
The thing about aliens is that they are alien. You don’t know what they can do.
That sword swings both ways my guy.
Immune system functions aren’t unique to humans, mammals, or even animals. As it happens the human immune system isn’t as robust as most other animals’.
Bypassing immune responses is also a pretty typical capability for most microbes. We have to regularly inoculate ourselves against stuff we’ve been dealing with since the beginning of time. And when a new one shows up… Well it’s not like that ever happened right?