Here you go m8:
Female cat ~2yrs, “Mushi Miso”
She’s adorable!
She’s kind of a pussy, you are adorable!
Dumb idiot nekkid moron stinky fool absolute stooge:
Pączki — Americanized pronunciation like “poonch-key” (Polish folk, don’t come for me: his name was originally correct ((Pączek)) but no one could remember it or pronounce it correctly).
He has a platform with a heatlamp in my living room where he gets treats and watches the cars go by.
I love him more than life itself.
Finn when he was a small boi
Finn now
My little baby, Soos!
its Ozzy (left) and Kyubey (right) they found a bug
My sweet Bobo. More angel than cat.
The halo!
her name is Aja and she likes to scream until i pet her
What an adorable basket case! 😂
Munchkin is . . . Orange; and Sozin looks out for/tolerates the young one
What a lovely void
Me and my stripey boy, Chief Inspector Bean, we were together for nearly 20 years and I will miss him until the day I die.
Well, here’s
, she just celebrated her one year gotcha anniversary.
Her bro
passed away earlier this year, but he will always be my pup.