I once read that the parts of the brain responsible for regulating “aww” and “aggression” are connected and may misfire when feelings are strong.
So if you find something or someone incredibly cute or adorable, you may be consciously or subconsciously resisting the urge to destroy it/them.
Louise Belcher and Boo Boo.
My cat has these wires crossed 100%.
Yeah that’s called cute aggression.
I have a friend who used to… Might still playfully/crazily nibble on his kids.
It doesn’t hurt them, but he seems to have this going on in his head.
It’s why some people have the urge to hug a kitten to death.
Put down the rabbit Lennie.
My ex used to say she wanted to smash my handsome face into the wall sometimes
That’s not healthy, don’t act like it’s normal to hate the people you love
This is what my ex used to say before she started beating me. This isn’t a feeling normal people feel.
Yep, i hate that this is supposed to be a “cute” comic, what’s cute about wanting to beat your fucking partner?
Also, i’m sorry about your ex, hope your in a better relationship now, or at least away from her :)