Are you saying your parents started a running debt for you when you were born and expect you to repay them? That’s not normal and they have no legal means to enforce that debt. If you’re still a minor, contact protective services.
Yes, I was born in latinamerica.
I definitely dont want to continue the cycle, rather I choose to break the chain of suffering. Doesnt matter what happened or who did it previously, I choose differently today
One of my parents literally used us a passive income source and all the slave labor she could squeeze so I resent her just for that a billion suns worth of loathing and reason for no contact
When I was a teenager I felt this way. I didn’t ask to be here, and so far life has sucked pretty hard.
My stance has softened as I’ve aged. I still wish I’d never been born, mind you, but I don’t blame my parents for having kids. They just did what came naturally for them.
You can’t consent to being born, and that upset me a lot. But it’s not like they could have asked my permission anyway. Might as well make the most of the situation.
Gonna need a bit more info.
Are you saying they are billing you for living with them pre-adulthood?
Making you pay rent to stay, now that you are an adult?
Or is this a more existential; ‘you brought me into this world, I didn’t ask to exist’ kinda thing?
I began paying rent to my Mother once I began working and left high school, contributing to the household bills + food. Cost of living and all that; even if your parents own the home, keeping it and supplying food+utilities isn’t free. I don’t resent her for that at all; I can’t say I’d expect anything different.
You don’t owe your parents anything until after age 18. They are legally required to take care of you until then.
What? Are they charging you from childhood to live with them, like a tab you need to settle after? If so, they sound like pricks, and if it’s a cultural thing, they still sound like pricks. Culture or not, you don’t need to do that to your kids.
man you had a tough babyhood.
Pay rent your whole life?
Mean from birth to age 18? I’ve never heard of this.
After age 18 then yeah you should be paying rent. Why wouldn’t you pay? Why would you live off of them? Help out.
If you are going to college and your parents don’t charge you rent, give them a huge hug and say thank you. Don’t be surprised if you graduate and they start charging you rent.
Edit : I usually read the comments before I comment. Definitely should have this time everyone is asking the same thing.