I did a little skipping out today. It’s a signal to my dog that we get moving along.
Physical leap, startled, or time travel?
Literally this afternoon I jumped as high as I could to see if I could touch the ceiling. I could not.
check out Mr Big Shot over here with the high ceilings
The ceilings are normal. He’s actually Mr Small Shot
Does bounding up the stairs count? I definitely get air and I do it almost every time I go up stairs. I average about 20 flights of stairs a day.
Your thighs must be hella toned.
The do be. I am a cyclist and biked thousands of miles a year until recently.
I don’t quite remember, but sort of like… 8 hours ago while traveling to work in a company bus.
The driver was going quite fast and didn’t notice a speed bump. Shortly, he became a pilot.
Ah fuck it, lets simplify it. 5 seconds ago. There you go.
January, i friend was out of town for two months and the battery of his car was dead, fortunately I had my cables in the trunk of my car
Literally a couple hours ago because my coworker asked the same question.
Plot twist: op is your coworker
I jumped to miss a puddle.
Me too! An icy/snowy puddle
This afternoon, while walking through a parking lot with my toddler. We had to avoid the cracks.
Car wouldn’t start.
My sister asked if I’m tall enough to touch the ceiling. My hand was wet and I left 3 fingerprints up there.
Can you jump and touch your head to the doorway? My kids used to challenge each other to that.
Maybe 30 minutes ago, I was watching a very tense video.
About fifteen minutes ago.
The third and fourth stairs leading to my second floor are rotted out and I’m too lazy to replace them so it’s a couple times a day.
Famous last words 💀
Right now because I read this. And then I realised that I jumped a few days ago because my partner and I were talking about our floorboards, and by pure chance I jumped in the same place and it triggered that memory. But I wouldn’t have remembered it if I hadn’t read this and jumped now.
Today. I exercised