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Imagine eating a bird’s menstrual discharge.
Imagine not knowing what mental discharge is and that chickens don’t menstruate.
Unfertilized egg is homologous to a mammal’s menstruation. Cope
As an American, I cannot legally touch any egg that hasn’t been ultra-pasteurized followed by continuous cold chain refrigeration and served in either a Styrofoam or pulped paper cardboard egg carton.
I think you have been misinformed. As an American, I can harvest eggs just like the pictured ones from my own backyard on a regular basis.
They don’t even cost any money, they come out of chicken asses for free.
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Am american and this:
is what I have in my fridge right now. Rural living win.
Wait, why fridge? I thought they last at room temp if they still have the chicken butt juice. Do they last longer cold?
Yeah I suppose I could store them at room temp, but I figure they last longer in the fridge and I’m not really hurting for space.
I still put farm fresh eggs in my fridge because it’s just a lot more convenient to store eggs in the fridge than on my counter where I have more limited space
I don’t get this at all. Isn’t your fridge much smaller than your counter space?
My fridge is designed to store food and has multiple shelves and drawers. My counters are a flat surface area and I’d rather keep them clear for active uses like cutting, prepping, etc.
There are also appliances competing for space on the counter like coffee machines
I guess there’s the pantry but it’s also just that I’m used to keeping them in the fridge and it’s not like it hurts them to go in the fridge.
Anyway, point is it’s really not that weird to keep them in the fridge
OP, that’s what it would’ve looked like. Your eggs been industrially washed. What a moron is that OP.
I don’t really know if there are laws about not selling eggs like this. Are there? I understood the practice of washing and sterilizing eggs came about as a marketting thing, b/c Americans tend to buy based on superficial appearance, and washed eggs sold better.
Is egg-washing mandated?
About 60 percent of the eggs sold in the United States come from processors who participate in USDA’s grading service, voluntarily paying to have their eggs graded so the eggs can display a “USDA Grade A” or “AA” shield on their cartons. The grade is based on qualities that can be observed in the shell, yolk, and egg white when the egg is inspected with lights and other specialized equipment. Specifics on egg-grading criteria can be found here.
Egg processors who participate are required to spray-wash their eggs with warm water and use a sanitizing rinse and air-drying techniques specified by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).
FYI multiple studies have found that there is no safety benefit to washing. It just looks nicer, and people think it’s safer.
In the US, there’s a concern for salmonella or other bacteria and viruses. Factory egg farming is a horror show in regards to overcrowding and hygiene. Sick birds are crammed in with healthy laying birds, and washing the eggs is one of the safest ways to prevent contamination.
It does increase the permeability of the shell, decreasing shelf life and requiring refrigeration.
If your eggs looked like this in the USA, there’s a small but non-zero chance that you’ll shit yourself to death. Probably not, but it’s scary enough.
We could improve factory farming regulations so it’s not a like a Cronenberg movie, but then eggs would be more expensive. And even if we did, and stopped washing our eggs, Americans would still want them to look clean and would still keep them in the fridge because we’ve been conditioned to expect to die on the toilet covered in wet feces if we see bird poop on the eggs.
Fwiw, the eggs wouldn’t have to be more expensive, the eggs cost what the market will pay.
The only change is that the people profiting from your poor food conditions will profit slightly less.
This is a common lie they tell everyone.
Keeping unwashed eggs in the fridge at home helps them last longer, as long as you don’t leave them out to sweat.
But yeah here in Sweden, we rarely ever get salmonella recalls since the chickens aren’t strapped to a box here.
Here’s a pic of some washed eggs in a refrigerator to scare the Europeans.
Microwaved water for tea.
What kind of monster stores bananas in the fridge?
And tomatoes!!! Might as well eat ice cubes at that point
refrigerators keep things chilled, not frozen. you’re thinking of a freezer.
Those eggs look almost artificial. Bleugh.
They might be, food photography is weird
I also just grabbed a random ass image off a search; it might be AI generated for all I know!
can you imagine searching for something on google and it just ai generates images on the fly
Heads up, OP: these eggs have been industrially washed, sterilized, then someone took a feather and glued it on them. Look it up.
You ever wondered why you’d find at most one of them per box?
Basically, you’re as big of an idiot as your portrait of an American grocery shopper, but you’re also a naive hypocrite.
How do you know this? It’s actually illegal to wash eggs in many countries, for the reasons outlined in the post.
because if you’d ever seen unwashed eggs, you would immediately know.
My guy, I grew up on a chicken farm. This does not scare me.
Well obviously if you’re an actual chicken, it won’t. How was your cage growing up?
can confirm, am shook
I have a picture of my receipt for an incredibly reasonably-priced ECG scan I had the other day if you like? I think it was €9
I know right?
I thought it’d be free fucksake
I know hardy har har such banter, but for real we also have unwashed eggs, and plenty of Americans have chicken’s, I currently have 80 in my backyard and am overflowing with eggs on my countertops.
Your jokes will hit harder if they come from a place of reality and not only information gained from reddit and social media posts.
I think that’s a fair point. However in this case, as an American I personally know people here who are like this.
A friend of mine will go to the store and buy more eggs because he refuses to eat the fresh eggs I keep on my counter.
Edit: He also keeps an ice chest in his trunk to keep them in during the 20 minute drive from the store…
There are Americans who own chickens and Americans who’ve never touched one. It’s a big country. This post applies mostly to city folk.