Every time somebody sends me a thumb I take it as “whatever you say you fucking dumbass” and it pisses me off.
And ya, I’m aware that that the replies are going to be thumbs, let’s see em ya jerks!!!
It really depends on the age of the sender.
30s and younger: Fairly dismissive response. Not outright insulting but pretty rude.
40s and older: genuinely meant as an earnest acknowledgement of your message.
GenX here. Shit, I do thumbs up frequently to confer agreement.
And I will indeed give you a middle finger emoji to say, “you fucking dumbass.”Millennial here, I use the shit emoji
Boomer here, what’s an emoji?
In private messages outside of work, yes, it comes across passive aggressive and is a hard stop to a conversation. In work context though, it’s pretty common on teams as an acknowledgement, though I still think it’s nicer to use like a heart react then actually reply.
Talking sense right here
Yeah that sounds like a you problem. Most people use it to just mean “ok.” But I mean, if you said “mom just died 😭” and you get “👍” as a reply, that one’s probably rude.
It depends on what it’s in response to.
Dinner at 6 at Greasy Spoon? 👍
Entirely reasonable.
Should we do the project in COBOL? 👍
Entirely unreasonable, but not rude.
My cat just died. 👍
I guess I just picture a chat as a textual representation of a conversation and if I said to you, want to get dinner at 6, and you replied 👍 in real life, I would cancel the dinner lmao
It’s probably one of the auto responses on their side when the text alert pops up. Maybe they were driving or I. The middle of something and it was just easier for them to respond this way.
You saying you’d straight up cancel a dinner because someone gave you a thumbs up instead of a verbal response genuinely blew my mind lmao. Ngl fam, that’s a bit extreme. I give people the thumbs up all the time, and imagining someone becoming so upset at me for doing it that they’d cancel our dinner together is insane to me. I couldn’t be friends with such a person without feelings like so was constantly walking on eggshells.
It was an exageration my guy, as with all my reactions to the 👍 in this thread. It does not make me truly angry, I’m being a bit silly because it’s fun.
So I wasn’t sure if you were an asshole, but based on this comment, I’m am not certain you are.
I say this because it’s fun for me and I’ve been taught to speak at my audience’s level.
You and I are very different then. If I tell someone that dinner is at 6 and they give me a thumbs up, I would interpret that as “I acknowledge that I heard you and have no objections. It is not worth taking my attention off of whatever I am doing.”
It’s pretty clear the issue here is you. Specifically, your reaction. The solution to than can only come from you. The world will not bend to you and the world is not responsible for making you feel certain things, that’s all you.
You’re weird.
Yes, and weird is fun
I see where you’re coming from now. In most English-speaking cultures, it is not conventional to use hand gestures as a substitute for spoken words in a conversation. Breaking social conventions for no apparent reason is at least potentially rude.
You’re translating those conventions directly to chat. Chat is not spoken word, and it is conventional to use emojis, at least the really unambiguous ones, instead of typed words in chat some of the time. People do not usually do this with any rude or insulting intent.
I appreciate the level headed reply in the sea of insanity I have started with this thread.
Honestly, I don’t interpret it as something malicious ever either, like I don’t think everyone is actually telling me to fuck myself, it just reads that way to me.
I do not think the majority of people would agree that chat is a textual representation of a conversation. It’s its own thing and this is evident by slang, leetcode, emoticons, emoji, and euphemisms (🍆💦). How people talk over text is completely different than how they speak in real life, especially when they’re typing fast.
If you are mid drinking or chewing and somebody asks you a question, a thumbs up is perfectly acceptable as a yes. Otherwise its a bit odd, but not offensive. Its like a +1 affirmation
This is absolutely spot on. Well done.
This is the best answer. Also, even in some serious case the thumbs up is interpreted as “noted, all good”. It does not mean positive action, just saying “noted”.
Definitely is a rude reply. Zero effort and sarcastic.
I think depending on your generation and language you speak it can have different meanings.
Depends on context but mainly it just means ‘Okay!’ or ‘Go ahead!’
I use the 👍react to show that I’ve seen the message but don’t need to respond. Usually in the case of someone sending a money transfer or something like that.
Never in the history of me sending thumb responses in work chats has it ever meant “whatever you say you fucking dumbass.”
It’s primarily used to show acknowledgement. It’s the office worker equivalent of “10-4.”
Seems like you have some pretty serious projection issues to work out OP lol
Sometimes when I send it to my boss, that’s what it means.
Huh? Maybe I’m strange… But sometimes I give a thumbs up emoji here on Lemmy when I agree with someones argument and have nothing more to add because I 100% agree with the content !
Never though It could be interpreted as rude :/