Tell that to Mr Wajszczak. Try and get any non polish person to spell it after only hearing it. Then show the name to them, give them a minute to commit it to memory then get them to spell it again. Tried it on 5 different people so far, it’s hilarious every time.
the same with polish
Tell that to Mr Wajszczak. Try and get any non polish person to spell it after only hearing it. Then show the name to them, give them a minute to commit it to memory then get them to spell it again. Tried it on 5 different people so far, it’s hilarious every time.
i tried it with 2 people so far, and both of them got it correctly
If you ignore the randomly inserted z’s, that is
This are simply called digraphs, the same as spanish “ll”
And English doeszn’t have ranzdomly inserzted z’s?