I hope every cat you meet in the coming month runs away from you in fear.
Beans are back on the menu boys!!!
Delete this now.
Gimp 3 finally released.
People of the internet:
So this is how I find out gimp 3 was released
I read “made in your mouth” and felt sick for a second.
Ah what the shit made someone actually commit to producing this monstrosity?!
Hey so I don’t like this
Mmm, i love how they pop, it’s like those boba tea things
Why did I come to the comments after seeing that picture.
God should never have stopped at Egypt when taking all those sons and sending those plagues 😞
Great, now I’m Team Old-Testament-God
Does it come in lyme?
Thanks I hate it.
Every day we move further from God
Happy Cake Day!
Hey, I didn’t realize! That reminds me, I need to go see my original Lemmy account and see what my real reddexit date is