Someone do a Half-Life 2 edit of this please
Someone do a Half-Life 2 edit of this please
Tetris :)
I am running Tetris for the PSP on my Steam Deck and I love it!
Tror OP syftar på denna videon
This is just Steam Award bait, every game is filled with this sob story trash
Type O Negative, doom and gloom is my cup of tea even when I’m not sad lol.
Awful :I
They’re just so beautiful!
Yay, deckbuilding rougelite
What about the PLOOF?!?
Try screaming “UNIX SURREALISM” at your phone
I hate this lol
Bruh someone explain this to me
Gothic metal, Peter Steele is my spirit animal and Type O Negative is the soundtrack of my life.
Any color you like as long as it’s black
Denmark isn’t real, it’s a fabrication of big pork to keep us in line. Don’t believe their lies.
*70 bucks
Francis Ford Coppola after Megaslopolis bombed
Star Trek > Star Wars
Fight me
Just a tiny renovation going on, it will soon open