And why do you like it so much?
there’s this one tree in a park nearby that I used to climb on as a kid, id say that’s my favorite tree
We have a big maple in our yard and more through the neighborhood. The sound of wind running through their leaves is very calming.
That shade
Dark oak. I like how it looks, when processed.
They’re just so beautiful!
People used to make all kinds of stuff from the bark, too
And from the wood. It’s a hardwood but it’s often used where softwoods would be. Baltic birch plywood is some excellent stuff.
Plus birch beer is awesome
American Chestnut. Have a few seedlings we planted in the front yard. Super excited to be part of the process of restoring them
Delonix regia, the original flamboyant.
So anyway, I love those dark maples with the leaves that are so blue they’re almost black in certain light. I call them goth maples.
Oh wow it’s about as close as you can get
Charlie Brown christmas tree. Are there Christmas tree bonsais?
Madrona. They’re only in a few places in the world. Their bark sheds like paper and becomes kindling, leaving a super smooth trunk. The shed bark encourages forest fires, killing competitors and making room for their offspring to thrive.
Mango tree!! 🥭🌳
It’s big, it provides plenty of shades, it’s unassuming, and most importantly it has mangoes!!
This is a really great answer. Concise, listed, and checks all the boxes. Kudos.
I’m going to go with white oak. The wood is very versatile; it’s strong enough for load bearing furniture, it’s hard enough for tabletops, it steam bends quite nicely, it’s just a joy to work with, looks wonderful under an oil finish, and it lends a nice flavor to whiskey.
There was a HUGE oak tree at my grandma’s house. I mean it was MASSIVE covering like the whole yard and was like 5 feet in diameter.
I grew up playing under it climbing limbs and swinging on a tire swing and a funner branch-seat swing which was lighter so it would go higher. Heres kinda how it looked:Anyways, in a hurricane a few years ago a large branch snapped off and it got infected and had to be chopped down :(
Red maple, the colour and shape of the leaves are so pretty!
Love those too!