TLDR; Angry British man, angry about stuff.
TLDR; Angry British man, angry about stuff.
My play was to always throw a ton of mines everywhere and just listen to the boom.
I bought a few, but the one that got me was Microsoft flight simulator 2020. It looks amazing in VR.
Soooo… You don’t have ublock installed then?
He’s retiring and can help his one son. If I were him, I would have said “fuck it.” too…
Well, I guess if they couldn’t fuck with you in one way, they can fuck with you in another…
Ugh. I was looking for a Book and found it on Barnes and Noble. according to the blurb I was supposed to be able to download it after purchase. But after purchasing it I quickly found out that you can only download it if you have the Nook app. Which isn’t available in Canada. Where I’m from.
I was able to find the .apk and install it on my phone but the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.
I’m running 3 40 inch TV’s as monitors.
That concept art looks like a back-up singer for Korn.
I have bit of a nuanced take on the subject (ie: I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion.)
So here goes. To me Homelessness isn’t the problem. Rampant drug addiction and mental illness are. For the mental illness part, we need comprehensive and affordable mental health care for everyone. That’s not going to happen in my lifetime though.
The drug addiction however…
Places like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Vancouver (where I’m from) have followed the decriminalization theory of drug rehabilitation. This posits that by providing clean drug paraphernalia and safe places to use drugs, will help people to overcome addiction. But the current state of these cities prove that this theory is false. In order to make someone change, they have to want to change. When you make drug use easier, there is less incentive for that person to want to get clean. Homelessness and the accompanying problems are to most of them just the “cost of doing business.”
Their lives should be made more difficult as to incentivize them to want to change their ways. Of course there should be certain exceptions, such as when it’s too hot or cold out. But we have to somehow give them a reason to change their ways.
At least where I live there are systems in place to help you get off the street. I would know as I was homeless for a year living on the street. But when COVID hit, I finally had enough and decided to get help. I went to a shelter, got signed up for disability and through BC housing I got myself a room in a shared complex. I’m proof that when you really try, there is help out there for you to make your life better.
Now bring on the downvotes.
Because nobody wants them. Or rather not enough people want them. Hell, kids these days don’t even want to get their drivers licenses. For them Uber is good enough.
Larson actually came back. He’s posting his new stuff online.
It’s being hosted on GOG.
Np offense but so what? nothing you post on there is going to change anything, anywhere. You’re shouting into a vacuum.
Isn’t the concept of a pig driving a hot dog kinda low key horrifying?
I mean I copied the link of the music, used a youtube downloader and listen to it that way. The Youtube music App is broken AF.
For the same reason that YouTube music refuses to play offline content stored on your phone until there’s a live internet connection
Yeah, I get by that by downloading the song and listening to it offline
Social media was probably the best thing to ever happen for fascists. Because everyone’s online and not out there actually doing something about it.