Artifact would like a word.
Artifact would like a word.
Nerf Herder No More Kings
I think I understand your sentiment, but I don’t think that’s a fair take. I subscribe to Spotify, but I also go to 6-10 shows per year, buy merch directly. The music industry has changed, and live entertainment is king. I’m sure you have an opinion for the stance you’re presenting, but that’s statement is pretty inflammatory by itself.
You’re right. Looks like the updates are from gofundme page
Fair enough. If you’re interested:
Either your info is out of date or you didn’t actually read the story. Insurance covered the shots, albeit only after being pressured. It’s fubar anyway, but the particular story you’re referencing resolved in a just way
Does that actually work?
EU gets Windows 11 ‘N’. It’s gdpr compliantnane doesn’t include the ads. I don’t know about the telemetry though.
Just because Linux as an operating system can have that experience, doesn’t mean everyone wants or, really, needs that experience. Some people buy cars to drive and want it to just work. Others buy cars to play with. Some people dj music that is already made, others buy a guitar.
Would you be willing to share scripts? Your situation is exactly my situation. Every time I decide to tackle it again, I’m overwhelmed with trying to settle. I dabble around as a dj and have so many duplicate tracks from various complications that automation has been problematic.
Control is great. In my top 5.
You can’t be helped.
So many dick jokes. So much fun though
Toyota has a subscription service for remote start.
Smack Mt Bitxh Up by the prodigy was way ahead of its time here.
This is dumb, Texas is the swinging capital of the US.
Photos and phone data for nicely in this category. $10 is a steal.
I try to post content, but I’ve found that it’s certainly more clunky than submitting to reddit ever was. Share url to sync or jeroba isn’t as smoooooth as submitting to reddit through RIF. I wish there was an easier way on desktop which is where I do most of my surfing.