dumb user one
Really pisses me off
Last router I had to install had a manual that was literally only “Put this cable in this hole. Click this button. Et voila.” with no explanation what any of the other buttons or slots or indicators were for.
dumb user one
Really pisses me off
Last router I had to install had a manual that was literally only “Put this cable in this hole. Click this button. Et voila.” with no explanation what any of the other buttons or slots or indicators were for.
I always include examples of the actual commands
You’re an angel.
People doing stupid challenges. People’s attention span getting lower and lower. People pretending they’re more popular than life itself because of their faux acting and lip-syncing
Sorry but this reeks of moral panic.
It was just an example of an infinite, non-repeating number that still does not contain every other finite number
Another example could be 0.10100100010000100000… with the number of 0’s increasing by one every time. It never repeats, but it still doesn’t contain every other finite number.
It means something in the vein of confused but people think it means amused
Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Humans don’t fall far when they’re born either. It would be very improbable for a human to be born and somehow land somewhere else than on Earth.
Sticking around and “lurking” for a bit before you try to engage with a new community, to learn the local etiquette before you make an ass of yourself. Or at least reading the rules as a bare minimum.
I have an ambient playlist with artists like Carbon Based Lifeforms, Sync24, 36, Cell, and some tracks from video game soundtracks.
WOKE LIBERAL america be like
Me because I started ironically and can’t stop
First release: July 1987
Latest (stable) release: February 2023
I’m impressed.
Just two more weeks
I tried to use Pocket because of Mozilla’s relentless promotion, but I ended up finding it too clunky compared to regular bookmarks.
Usually just a minute before vision gets blotchy, colors blend together and desaturate, and some things seem to move more around than others. For example looking at a dark painting on a bright wall makes the contents of the painting seem to jump more around than the wall around it. Staring longer makes things start disappearing as if my entire vision is becoming a blind spot.
I always begin seeing weird shapes if I keep my eyes fixed somewhere. Doesn’t matter where it is, can be a white wall even. I don’t think it’s anything more than a quirk of how our eyes work.
I feel like a true meritocracy would be a system kind of like Plato’s republic where children are separated from their parents as early as possible and are all raised from the exact same level, so the only thing that sets them apart will be individual talent (their merit). If not this, then the wealth, status and connections of your family will influence your opportunities, which runs counter to meritocracy.
Safe to say it’s not a system I’d want to live in.
Anything good?
Then all of them. They are human beings, not black holes of pure evil.
Put portals on two boards. See what happens if I put one board through the other portal.