C++ Software Engineer Big interest in OpenSource communities for years now. 20+ years linux user. But a newbies in fediverse, had heard about it before but needed the help of twitter (for mastodon) and reddit changes to give a real try. Also a fan of Stephen King books. Was fievel@vlemmy.net
As of now, I backup stuff (mainly pictures) from my phone to a linux file server using rsync in termux (launched through the tasker plugin and automate). I search a replacement to get rid of the automate application that I need only for that, is not Foss and require to run in background in order to use it. Do you think Syncthing can deserve my use case ? Of course I can RTFM but…
A good one IMHO is Omnivore.
Omnivore is a complete, open source read-it-later solution for people who love to read.
I’m volunteer to donate because of I accidentally die, rather that it deserve someone who would have more luck than me rather than no one.
Now in Belgium it works a bit differently. Everyone is, by default, considered as a donor.
You can then register to either refuse it or to impose it whatever your family says.
This is because the law is that the doctors must always ask the family if they are ok to give organs from diseased family member even with the “by default donor”, with the registration you can say “don’t ask my family and just do it”.
This can be used in two situation in my opinion, the first one being family that have different conviction and may refuse despite the opinion of the diseased. The second situation (mine) being not wanting to worry grieving family with one more difficult decision to take.
The stand, by Stephen King
I think you raise a very good point about explaining the problem… Even us as “smart humans” have often great difficulty to see the point while reading PM specs…
I probably should have used llm to help me write a clearer question :D
Well I seen, I even code reviewed without knowing, when I asked colleague what happened to him, he said “I used chatgpt, I’m not sure to understand what this does exactly but it works”. Must confess that after code review comments, not much was left of the original stuff.
I’d like to thank you all for all your interesting comments and opinion.
I see a general trends not being too worried because of how the technology works.
The worrysome part being what capitalism and management can think but that’s just an update of the old joke “A product manager is a guy that think 9 women can make a baby in 1 month”. And anyway, if not that there will be something else, it’s how our society is.
Now, I feel better, and I understand that my first point of view of fear about this technology and rejection of it is perhaps a very bad idea. I really need to start using it a bit in order to known this technology. I already found some useful use cases that can help me (get inspiration while naming things, generate some repetitive unit test cases, using it to help figuring out about well-known API, …).
Ok done a bit the reverse as many here: came from Heliboard and tested out FUTO (thanks to this post and some others telling it was great). And indeed, it works pretty well, better than Heliboard, especially in English (~40% of my use on Android - I’m French native speaker so most messaging is in French and I use English for some search, lemmy,…). So that’s say in French, futo is not as good as in English (suggestions are often less accurate than in English) but it’s still better than Heliboard. The swipe works better too (and doesn’t require an external (proprietary) library). The only drawbacks I see until now is the limitation to 3 suggestions in the suggestions bar, with Heliboard there was a 3 dot menu giving more suggestions and the lack of spellchecker.