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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s unbeliavable what hand-wavy bullshit each and every project or initiative to combat bullying is. Must be beacause most of the people who end up in administrative positions have been bullies themselves growing up, all evidence points to shit floating to the top in almost any society.

    I can’t claim I saw everything that happened during my elementary school years and some cruelty must’ve happended without me knowing. From what I saw, though, there was just one kid that got bullied more than me, and he ended up killing himself at 16 years old. I often think he might have made a better choice than me.

  • One where I was dumb was when I sold my then one of best friends a laptop and took his word for him going to pay a week later even though I knew he was a small time grifter. We were tight so I thougt he wouldn’t screw me over but alas, believing in people is dumb.

    The second was an online friend of many years and good emotional support one way and the other, but then out of the blue the dude starts spewing hate and straight up tells me he’s a nazi. Fuck that guy. Well fuck the first guy too, but at least I knew the devil back then.

  • But what if I want to swear, but I want to censor the swear word, even superficially (replace a vowel with something else, leaving the swear entirely readable where everyone can easily tell what swear is being used)? This is where I’m seeing a ton of people suddenly not as okay with people doing what they want, and that’s what I was trying to get at with this comment chain. Why are people so upset at people censoring themselves in this way?

    Someone else already has pointed it out under this post, but no matter, it bears repeating. The initial need to use these censored forms of swear words rises from corporate censorship, all kinds of web services have been auto moderated to remove a preset list of words, and replacing a single character might get around such a simple limitation. This is understandable, and a good way to stick it to the corporations worried about spoiling their image. (Filter lists like this are also a copout when it comes to bigotry, corporations can cheap out on moderation and pretend no one is calling anyone nasty names when those words are not allowed.)

    People tend to assimilate behavior they see every day, though, so a good chunk of the population has begun to see this kind of censorship dodging as some sort of modest or proper behavior. It never was about not offending our peers, though, so this change in internet etiquette is more succumbing to corporate brainwashing than being considerate. I’m sure there are people who do get upset from seeing crass language, but a human will have no trouble being equally offended about someone saying “F*ck cops!” rather than “Fuck cops!”. A stupid censorship filter might still be fooled, though. Using the self censored forms where there are no such filters feels like bowing to our overlords a bit too much.

  • I was locked up in one for a couple of weeks after I tried to kill myself, and the only thing that experience did for me is to make sure I keep the ideas to myself next time so no one can interfere. Must be something about the locked doors that turns psychiatric nurses into prison guards mentally, but none of them apart from a trainee from abroad was pleasant to deal with and one was a proper nurse Ratchet. I’ll give you a snippet of her professional behavior and care for the mental wellbeing of the patients.

    I was laying on a sofa in the common area reading a book after lunchtime, and had not seen a single other person for about half and hour. Also there was another sofa just like the one I was on and two armchairs in the room. Enter nurse:

    -I have to ask you to get off that sofa.

    -What? Why?

    -Someone might want to come in and sit on it.

    -But there’s plenty of other places here to sit, also I’ve not seen anyone around for a good while anyway.

    -But they might want to sit right there anyway.

    -What about me wanting to be right here now?

    -Stop being difficult!

    -Did you want to sit here?

    -You have five seconds to get off that sofa or I’ll get the orderlies and we’ll sedate you!

    Fuckin power tripping pyscho bitch.