Home cooking. It is super easy and about 100x healthier. Don’t know how? Get the America’s Test Kitchen Best Skillet Recipes book. Lots of super easy things in there. Once you get in the habit you really only have to do it 3-4 times a week, and there are lots of frozen meals.
What would someone do if they didn’t cook their own meals? Hire a butler? Just get takeaway for their entire lives?
That would be mental. Everyone, except the truly weird - or in special situations, home cooks the majority of the time, right? O.o
I got tired of cooking and eat our a lot more nowadays, yes.
Eat microwave food. Or “remove foil and put in oven” food. I wouldn’t call that home cooking.
Yeah just walk through Costco and see the massive varieties of ready to eat stuff. But a ton of people here just eat out all the time too.
A user on Lemmy a while back (can’t recall their name) had said that when they get fast food fries, they don’t salt the fries, they salt the ketchup.
I will confirm that this is a fantastic idea because it makes every fry taste equally salted, and gives the salt a way to actually adhere to the fries instead of just ending up in the bottom of the container or on your table.
My own recommendation where I can’t believe more people don’t do it is buying no name/store brand stuff when getting groceries and supplies. I’m pretty sure a lot of people don’t do this because marketing has pushed them into thinking these are “inferior” or are not as good, but 7 times out of 10 the no name/store brand stuff is equal in quality or better while also being something like 20-40 percent cheaper. Just because something is different than the name brand stuff does not make it worse, just different. Like you DONT need a more expensive type of aluminum foil for example, the cheapest aluminum foil is identical in quality.
Using shift + scroll wheel to horizontally scroll in a UI. Whenever I see my project manager going all the way to the bottom of the application and dragging the scrollbars to move horizontally it just kills me a bit inside haha.
Horizontal scrolling with shift + scroll wheel is so slow compared to dragging the bar though.
Which is what middle mouse button scrolling is for… horizontally or vertically, and fast, too.
I wish that worked everywhere, but it doesn’t.
Hmm maybe shift+middle button can override it on certain UIS.
I wish that worked everywhere, but it doesn’t.
Unless you’re on Linux
I’m just glad that KDE now has an option to disable pasting using the middle mouse button (mousewheel click). Only available on Wayland though - AFAIK this behaviour is deeply rooted in X11 and it’s not easy to disable it.
Firefox will still cause a paste though, so you have to disable it separately over there.
I’m using arch btw, and it doesn’t.
As an “arch btw” user, you should know, you need to configure your stuff yourself.
Otherwise, you’re just an arch user.KDE once made it easier with a GUI https://pointieststick.com/2024/07/05/this-week-in-kde-autoscrolling/
I’m using arch btw for the meme. Wouldn’t say I’m an Arch user though.
Fair enough, I’ll do some testing. This specifically came about on a react based page in ff esr.
Because some mice have a secondary scroll wheel, or the scroll wheel can tilt to scroll sideways
Buying another box, bag, etc. of soap, toilet paper, tooth paste and whatever long lasting product before it runs out. It doesn’t expire (fast), therefore I always have a second, full bag as a buffer, and as soon I have to open the second one, I put it on the shopping list so there is always a buffer bag and I don’t get annoyed if I still forget to buy one or it’s out of stock.
It’s been years since I had to use some weird substitute for toilet paper.
Fact checking.
So many people just believe anything they see or hear if it agrees with their worldview.
Store your toothbrush rolled in a piece of sanitary paper. It’s so much cleaner than having it laying around, where dust gets on it.
Buying & steeping loose leaf tea instead of bagged garbage. Higher quality, lower price, actually tastes decent with multiple steeps. If I don’t finish the leaves, I fill the teapot with water to have cold brew the next morning. If you get into it, an electric kettle that lets you set the temperature is essential since you can avoid burning leaves much easier & unlocking more delicate leaves that require lower temperatures. Last tip which should be obvious: no milk or sugar & if you think it tastes bad, why do you keep buying black tea instead of something good?
Wash their hands after using the bathroom.
Also actually cleaning yo buttox. So many men don’t and it’s disgusting
Huh, how do you know this? Not that I envy you though.
Butt inspector
Honestly, this feels like a meme. I have been eating man ass for years and I am yet to find someone with an unwashed butthole. Considering how often I see this claim, one would think it would be a more common problem.
Not saying it can’t happen but, Do you have any first hand experience to support the “So many men don’t” part?
Use a bidet in the bathroom.
do both, please
Still wash. The flush practically aerosols waste particles into the air if you didn’t put the lid down first; bidet or no.
You can always spot an American because they’re so fuckin scared of everything. Look, this one’s scared of his own shite 😂
More than this it’s just a good way to build regular hand washing into a routine. You already use a restroom a few times a day at fairly regular intervals, so you only have a few hours worth of microbes on your hands at a time.
So I play guitar. I had a problem where I would sometimes drop my pick. Then, one day, I had an idea. I took some copper wire and attached it to a pick through a small hole I burned into it with a needle. I wrapped the wire around my finger. Now I physically cannot drop my pick.
By vectron’s creaky ankle that’s a great video!
Seen it before… watched it again anyway. Praise Vectron!
You just made these things obsolete.
I’ve got one of these. They’re great for if you accidentally drop your pick.
They are not, however, a goddamn pick souvenir dispenser! No, you can’t have a free pick you skeezy little jerk! Get off my stage!
I thought that’s so you can throw picks at the audience
Actually they are just for looking like a big rock star that can afford to throw away a fistful of picks every night.
I’ve had the same picks for about ten years but I was always under the impression you could get like forty or fifty of the aesthetically-pleasing ones for like three bucks
What could a pick cost, 20 dollars!?
I bought a pack of thumb picks out of curiosity and I actually really like them. I don’t use them every time I play but they’re nice to have.
I wouldn’t consider it a “hack”, but I’m always baffled by the number of people who don’t use any kind of content blocker on the web, then complain about full-page ads, pop-ups, and autoplay videos.
I work on peoples’ PCs at work (regular people and not business IT), and one thing that I do for every PC I work on is add uBlock Origin Lite to Chrome and uBlock Origin on other browsers no matter what. As 8 or 9 times out of 10 the shit that caused someone to bring in their PC for cleaning are actually full-screen scam messages and scummy ads on sites or from emails. The only times I ever randomly get someone that is upset about the blockers being installed are from either the pickup person not showing them how to use them. Or I get a random person that actually uses those “news” start pages like MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc. not understanding that the blank slides in the main slideshow are not actual articles and are ads.
Mine is that, except they DON’T complain. Like when someone is showing me a YouTube video on their device and an ad shows up 30 seconds in… I lunge for the mute button while I scan the room for a blanket, clipboard, or other item to shield us, yelling “AVERT YOUR EYES!!” but next to all of my commotion, they’re just nodding along placidly like “Oh Coinbase, interesting.”
Like… Aren’t you affronted that some company paid another company to make it less convenient to do the thing you’re trying to do?! Does the gaudy, pushy tone change to too-loud propaganda designed to coax you away from your money not gall you?!
“Idk sometimes the ads are interesting. Free month sounds good.”
Jesus christ he’s too far gone.
Some of the ad revenue goes to pay the people that made the content tho.
More like going to a cheap motel and not expecting bedbugs.
Bed bugs do not discriminate. You can get them in the nicest hotels. Always check.
i used to just use like browser extensions and stuff and now have a pi hole setup for my home network, and its game changing. Even mobile apps are now ad free. Its awesome.
Pi Hole couldn’t block YouTube ads last time I tried it, which is one of the main things I want to have adblock for. So I went back to ublock origin.
The only one i can think of is people not saving their old toothbrushes. A small brush comes in real handy for a lot of situations
I’m really bad about actually swapping my toothbrushes when I should so they end up completely spent by the time I replace them and are unusable for anything else
Gotta get that deep clean in the shower ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’m actually lost here, butthole?
Wait I’m still a bit confused. Do people use the brush part?
oh I know, I just wanted an excuse to call someone a butthole
Well played.
Working in IT.
Tell the truth.
We will get lied to straight to our face and when proven they are lying they double down and get annoyed.
We don’t care that you spilt coffee on your keyboard, we just need to know it happened so we can get you a new one.
I think medical doctors have this same problem with lying and embarrassed patients.
Honestly, I was naked after the shower and just fell on it!
Ah the ol “toilet plunger lodged 1.3m in the rectum” caper.
Happens every time.
“Million to one shot, doc!”
House:“everybody lies”
“Everyone lies” - House, MD
if I suspect something was spilled, I always let them know that we have accidental damage coverage and things like spills are covered and that makes the truth come out a bit smoother.
And then you tell them you lied.
But it’s ok because they did too. So no social awkwardness, but you need to let hr know they lied about damaging company property and they should start packing their desk.
hahahahaha, in my case, I’ve been lucky that the places I’ve worked we actually have always bought the accidental damage coverage!
I also practically start the conversation with this info so I don’t get lied to initially.
i don’t use my fingertips on public. door knobs, rails, etc. i use knuckles or fist or elbow or whatever. my finger tips are not for public use. started during covid, never got covid. barely ever get sick.
Until out of habit you rub your eye with your knuckle. Doh!
Long sleeve shirts ftw!
Mine is wear a medical grade mask in public spaces.
It does multiple things.
First it protects you from air borne pathogens like viruses and especially COVID.
Second, if you are confronted or people get mad at you for wearing one, it immediately let’s you know what kind of people are around. If they’re the type that will get mad at you for wearing a mask, it’s definitely a place to leave and avoid in the future. A mask is a great way to weed people out in public.
My wife has lifelong lung problems now and we can’t risk any infections. So wearing a mask is necessary for me … and at this point in my life, it’s normal now and I find that it’s normal for most people. 90% of the people that see me in a mask notice but immediately understand and don’t make an issue of it. It’s 10% of the loudest idiots that make it a problem and a mask is a great way to unmask them (pun intended)
Palms ftw
I use my knuckles for pretty much any object that is public. If I must pull a door handle I use my pinkie (or my foot if no one’s looking).
Coworker extends hand
Nope, knuckle sandwich to the face!
It’s good for your health, buddy!foot
sometimes i’ll use the bottom of my shirt as a glove until i can use my foot to swoop.
I feel like most intelligent people are now on the bidet bandwagon, but it still blows my mind how many people I know that still resist using one (even when readily available). Quit being fuckin disgusting!
Some of these same people wonder why their sex life is mediocre at best. Maybe it’s your hygiene. Just sayin.
During my first trip to Japan I was reluctant to use it.
My manager was traveling with me and he bought one to take home and he already had one from a previous trip and he kept talking about how life changing it was
I finally decided to use the bidet on my last day of the trip and it was a life changer. I had to go back to Japan a month later and I got a nice Toshiba that unfortunately died early this year but now you can find bidets easily on Amazon or Costco
wow. shitty attitude is shitty lol
You’d understand if you had one
we have tons of them here lol
Wow, I’ve never seen someone try to link bidet use to intelligence before. It’s almost impressive.
Nor I to a better sex life
Imagine what this person was doing before the discovery of bidets drastically improved their life.
I was using a shower after every shit to wash properly.
You clearly haven’t met a Southern European. We divide the world in civilized ass washers and uncivilized smelly barbarians
This comment is slightly ambiguous. Who are “we” and who are the barbarians?
We: Italians, Spanish, Greeks, Arabs, Turks, Vietnamese, South Asians, Japanese.
Barbarians: everybody else, especially the French
This is high level trolling, very impressive sir
using an ad blocker. personally, i use ad blockers for years and when i work on a friends laptop im shocked how much ads there are actually. i cant count on a hand how mucn i told my father he should use ad blocker browser and extenstion. and he wont do it. recently, i changed the DNS server on a router level to nextdns, where it blocks ads and trackers. he told me its amazing how smoother the experience is now
password managers. as an IT specialist i have about 300 login details for many services, personal, work and clients. every login has its own password and eventually email too. and i know sooooo many people who forgot their passwords (they have about 3 very similar ones but ok) and try them all until they find out they had to creat a new for that specific service. and they are so unaware about the dangers (for example fishing, SE, …) with this method.