Hey I’m Elise! I’m a bike nomad and I’m developing a libre platform called Blossom, à la Second Life. I’m currently studying Français and I enjoy making people laugh 😜
I haven’t seen them I think. I was under the impression that it was something quite different from Lemmy, but still federated. Thx for explaining.
Neverending obsession people have with sex. Yes, I get it, it’s fun, and adventurous, and all those other amazing things. Can I just enjoy the rest of my life now?
Nah like it’s their pov?
Could you elaborate a bit? A book is too much for me.
Ah like centrists are evil?
Are they used as slurs against you? I’m typically called gay, pervert, n word. Just stuff that doesn’t hit the mark.
Friendly, big smiles, love to hang out, sexist, and used to corruption.
In the NL someone put an suv shop on fire. Like, literally just walked in at night with a jerrycan and lit the cars on fire.
As a lesbian trans person I like the words dyke and tranny, but only use it for myself. They’re funny and cute. I was honestly surprised to learn that people are so deeply against the words.
The next generation has some poker scenes. There’s one episode where they are stuck in a simulation of a casino and can’t escape.
That I’m a gay n word. Like, I am neither so what’s up with that? He quickly biked off and I couldn’t get him to clarify.
Recognizing how my desires are never truly satisfied, and they cause me suffering. How they constantly shift and always want more. In other words I let go of my judgment and accept what I see. That doesn’t mean I don’t judge it at all or don’t change it. It just means I’m not attached to the desire to change things. It’s just a feeling, and I can act on it, but it’s a conscious decision rather than a habit.
Then you’ll also be surprised to learn that I am insulted constantly and laughed at. Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of great people, but it is naive to think the Netherlands is a tolerant place. When you go through the medical system you face the same attitudes.
The issue is, if you believe in the system, you’ll give it a chance to traumatize you. This is added on top of other traumas such as losing your family, becoming homeless and so on. The trans thing itself isn’t actually the biggest part of it, it’s the culture and the society.
Sure, you could get lucky and have the right gp and meet the right psychiatrist, and then you have to wait 5 years before you get any medical support. I’ve tried. I mean I’ve literally been at a gp that I knew was trans friendly and I told her I was at risk of suicide, and she was OK with that.
And about the medicine, well you can compound it yourself. I honestly can’t live without it, because it is night and day for my mental wellbeing. Without it, it is extremely difficult to live. It’s like you’re in a state of dissociation and it’s painful. It’s quite a complex thing to describe, but you are effectively disabled and are at risk of suicide.
Hmm, considering your religious upbringing you might want to try some absurdist literature to break the mold.
These are accessible too, as you’re not used to reading yet.
I can also recommend subscribing to a monthly magazine and making a point to read it from cover to cover. That way your skills will improve. You can also buy a whole stack of old national geographics cheaply. This will expand your horizons.
I’m trans. Giving up on the system has been good for me. It was like a one sided relationship. Now when I need something I just solve it on my own and it works.
Helping others when you need help, because eventually it’ll become so easy that you can even help yourself.