How do you feel about frilly toothpicks??
I’m for 'em!
Well, let’s form a club then!
sure, but wouldn’t making a club out of larger pieces of wood make more sense?
The kind with umbrellas or the plastic fringe?
Would you want to engage in a Star Trek-like, alien-inspired sex activity?
What are your top 5 movies? One of them must be The Shawshank Redemption.
“What is the greatest value a person should seek ?” and try to understand their point of view. Tell yours and see if they understand it. It doesn’t have to be the same, just both need to accept each other’s point of view.
My answer - humility
Do we have problems with pineapple on pizza? Cause I sure don’t.
“Do you think your opinion about pineapple on pizza is a personality trait? 'Cause I sure don’t”
Besides missing the extremely obvious joke, the question wasn’t even about personality traits, it was about compatibility.
Maybe we can make an extension that puts “/s” after everything for you
Humorous questions on the survey probably are though
Don’t you have anything better to do than fill out this survey?
What the hardest thing you did in the past year?
I had five questions…in no order.
- How did you vote on Brexit? 2 Do you eat meat?
- do you think Jeremy Clarkson is God?
- Do you love Oasis?
- Do you think Trainspotting 2 is a worthy sequel?
- I voted remain, but I made a big fuss that the leave camp had a valid point about the workers rights in this country, with the expectation that “remain” would be the outcome still. Yes, I’m a shyster.
- Yes
- He’s a racist ego-maniac, but he is funny at times and I like his show about tractors. People are a spectrum.
- I did when I was a teen. Now I find them whiney, though I do get nostalgic for that 90s sound sometimes. Ocean Colour Scene, Verve, Manics, etc.
- I’m sorry there’s a h-wat now?
- How good are you at ordering lists?
“What are your values and political views?” Compatibility on that subject is quite important IMHO.
Anyone who takes politics too seriously is autonatically out.
That’s also a political requirement.
Yes, but more of a mental health requirement.
I disagree with you on politics, I don’t think that is important to a relationship if the people involved are able to discuss and disagree about ideas amicably. Unfortunately that seems increasingly less common in our modern society as algorithm-based social media continues to push people further into their respective echo-chambers. Of course, I am not here to tell you that you can’t look for that in a partner, I just don’t think the concept of political compatibility should universally apply to every relationship or even a majority of relationships.
If both mostly don’t care and don’t engage in politics, I agree with you or take (and usually that’s true for the majority); but in times of crisis, politics impose itself to people and that can be a major issue in a relationship. And in this century we will have a lot of crisis to deal with.
Many political questions are reasonable to disagree on but many others are also ethical ones with gaps that cannot be bridged.
Nah I definitely disagree with that statement. It is absolutely possible to maintain a healthy relationship with someone whose perspective on ethical issues differs to your own.
Someone racist and someone else antiracist?
What kind of gestures mean the most to you? (I.e. 5 love languages)
I’m personally a fan of 🤘
Can I have me time without you taking issue?
Will you ask me to explain myself instead of making assumptions about what I mean when you aren’t sure what I mean?
You know I’m kinda nuts, and it’s not really getting better. you sure about this? ;)
“Do you think fighting can be part of a healthy relationship?”
My wife and I rarely fight, we’ve maybe had two or three in our entire relationship, and they weren’t yelling matches We just got upset and patched things up relatively quickly. I don’t think I could be with someone who thinks raising their voice at another person is okay, and surely not if they think it can be healthy. And hard “hell no” to any violence.
So, this is a weedout question
This is the same with my wife and I. Nothing is worth telling at each other over.
If there’s a disagreement, we just talk about it and it’s resolved within an hour.
I watched my sister and her fiance call each other stupid and mentally deficient, purely as jokes, and it made me feel bad for them… even though they have a great relationship and say shit like that to each other as a joke.
I think people just have different sensitivies
But that’s not fighting and some people have that sense of humor. Feel bad for them if they are unhappy, but if they are happy, why not be happy for them?
I am, it just feels like to me that, on some level, they are truly saying what they think in the same way that jokes have a small nugget of truth to them. Again, perhaps I’m being too sensitive.
What are your thoughts on polyamory?
If they are polyamorous, it’s a no. If they have been polyamorous before but say they’re looking for a monogamous relationship this time, also no. If they use the term “ethical non-monogamy” in a positive way, even if they claim they’re monogamous, straight in the fucking bin.
It’s like the opposite of me. If someone’s strictly monogamous, no thank you. I would also be skeptical of someone who’s only done monogamy before, but I’d give them a shot if they seemed otherwise put together.
What are your finances like? I don’t mean you need to be rich, I mean you need to be responsible. I tied my finances to a crazy person and I’ll never get free and that’s my biggest regret.
That sucks, I’m really sorry man :(
Ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?
Do you love me? Could you learn to love me?
Love games?
What’s your favorite flavor of 4loko.
God damnit this was gonna be my answer!