The sun sucks, being forced to shower like every 4 hours just to not feeling sweaty, the fucking mosquitoes, the fact you can’t wear anything that you want anymore due the heat, the people outside… The fucking beach. I try to avoid it… The fucking sand, not a fan of it. Is scratchy, harsh, annoying and it infiltrates in every nook and cranny. Is not worth the annoyance just to shower yourself with salt water.
Go outside in 40°C weather for a bit, come back inside, sit in front of air conditioner, be just fine in a couple of minutes
Go outside in even 10°C weather for a second, come back inside, freezing to death even in front of a heater for an hour because cold or even very cool weather chills me to the bone and it takes forever for me to get warm again
Yeah, I prefer summer.
Yeah, no.
You can almost always add more layers, so unless we’re talking about literally Siberia in winter, you should be fine.
But if it’s too warm for shorts and shirt, there’s nothing I can do. I can’t run around naked or remove my skin (not in an easily reversible manner at least).
It’s coarse and rough and gets everywhere?
OP tried so hard to rephrase it…
The women, and the children, too
Have children, can confirm they get everywhere.
Hot season is my least favorite, but I come to love the rainy season for being cooler & more dynamic even if it can sometimes be inconvenient
I didn’t like summers or winters where I used to live, so I moved to somewhere where I like both seasons. Then moved again to somewhere that I love all four seasons.
But I get what you’re saying; you’re describing the summers of my childhood. Hot and humid so you feel like you need a cold shower within 5 minutes of walking outside. Sticky by day, swarmed by mosquitos at night.
But you lost me at the sand bit. I love the beach and ocean when it’s like 10-30°C out. Colder and hotter are okay, too, but not as nice.
Summer is absolutely dogshit terrible. Anyone who claims they like it is lying to themselves. It’s muggy, hot, humid, touristy, expensive. What is there to like?
Best season, weather is nice enough so Ican enjoy outdoor activities.
There’s no such thing as bad weather only inappropriate gear.
The problem is, in the summer, “appropriate gear” means an air conditioned house.
Yes you can play tennis in bubble jackets rifling through snow but it’s not exactly pleasant, you can put skis on your skateboard but it ain’t the same.
In Texas we have summer heat that even an air conditioned house can’t keep up with at times. It can get hot enough that a some home AC systems will run and run and not maintain a comfortable temp.
Can confirm. Already happened yesterday. The hot temps are creeping in early this year and I’m still dealing with all the fallen trees from the storms last week. Steamy as heck outside.
I’ll take if over winter or the cold/rainy phases of the other two every day.
being forced to shower like every 3 hours just to not feeling sweaty
Bro do you live in the desert? Or are you obese? Both? This feels like a very local/personal experience lol. Far from everyone has these issues with summer.
Maybe it’s all a joke and I’m whooshing hard but… Anyway.
A lot more of the USA is obese now than ever, and obesity and heat do not mix.
Indeed. I have a colleague who is obese. They tend to dress lighter waaay earlier in the year than the rest of us in the team. 😅
Offices having AC on when its 50 outside also sucks.
When you say 50, you mean C or F?
Fahrenheit, sorry should have clarified.
Just sounds like Florida to me.
100% humidity all the time. Temperatures in the 100’s (F) (>38C). Feels like the air is thick and heavy constantly. It’ll rain just long enough every so often to keep these attributes true almost all the time. Doesn’t matter how fit you are, just walking to your car is enough to make you feel like you just crawled out of the swamp. Worst of all, Florida doesn’t get Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter; We get Summer, Simmer, Summer, Fall.
Yeah that sounds about right. I’ve lived two summers in south Florida and it was brutal. Summers here in northern Sweden are quite a lot more mild, obviously. Very comfortable. But can also get very hot, as well.
So a very local thing indeed.
I’m guessing you’ve never been to a tropical place during summer. They’re not exaggerating, any physical work you do within a couple of minutes you start sweating, it’s hell.
Ok Anakin. But please stop taking showers, that’s not how it works. Put some deodorant on and stay in the shades or in a breeze
Breeze? Lmao
I live in a cruise ship town, that’s why summer is my least favorite
I love the spring and summer. I have fibromyalgia and the pain and fatigue is much better during the warmer months. I like the sunny weather as it cheers me up. The people outside make me feel like I’m on a holiday even when I’m not. It’s the time of the year I feel the most motivated to do anything and I actually have the energy to do it.
Aside from that, the summer heat doesn’t bother me that much. It’s much better than the freezing cold for me. Unless it’s almost 40°C, but I don’t think anyone likes these high temperatures.
I agree with you about the mosquitoes, though.
I like it more than winter.
I agree that summer is the worst, but it’s a regional thing. Also you don’t have to go to the beach or in the water. I avoid the beach like the plague. Mostly because the water is plagued.
Couldn’t agree more with all your points. I don’t mind sunny days, but summer has been miserable these past few years, the heat makes me exhausted and letargic, thank God for AC. Winter on the other hand is bliss (at least where I live), mild temperatures, no bugs… I wish it would last forever.
I’m Canadian in a place with a decent amount of snow and it’s cold for like six months of the year. I love summer.
I do live near a popular cottage area so the downside to summer is all the asshole cottagers who tailgate aggressively if you aren’t driving 30km/hr or more over the speed limit.