all i want for christmas by mariah carry starts playing
glass shatters, then fades to black
My father loves hallmark movies, and Christmas music. You can’t torture him with that. I can’t handle it, drives me up the wall.
We have an annual contest to see who spots the first Xmas display. So far, the earliest has been mid-September.
Toss-up between, Costco, ACE Hardware, and Daiso.
Halloween stuff in back. Bets on this being a picture from fall’s past, and not summer 2024?
This photo was taken by me @ 1:13pm today.
It’s still June.
Is this maybe at a hobby lobby?
Yes, yes it is…
They may be preparing for a remodel, in which many of the shelves get torn out and replaced with new ones. They don’t want to shut down the store to do it and need a lot of storage space to hold shelving while they replace units one at a time over night. So already clearance stuff gets clearanced harder to get it out of the way.
This has been brought to you by your surly neighborhood shelving guy.
Thanks, shelving guy! That makes sense.
Thank you shelving guy, your work is always underappreciated
lol. Amazing.
I bet those Grinch pillows will be great on a summer beach.
You can see the big wreaths on the wall in back.
Also not pictured is the 2 isles of ornaments -_-
Christmas in July is a thing I suppose
Nor even Halloween can contain Chrisman anymore.
Chrisman is a shitty super hero
Part man, part… Chris.
“I work mornings at Arby’s”
Dude can heal and resurrect, but it takes him several days. So it’s not great for battles. He’s no Deadpool or Wolverine.
Element of surprise
My GF, who likes to make a lot of handmade gifts, says she understands craft stores like Hobby Lobby (which this is) putting put stuff out early, since other crafters are probably starting their projects around this time and might need a few months to get them ready.
But this shit better not cross over into regular retail stores.
“Only 191 days until Christmas” means it wasn’t christmas!
It’s always Christmas in your heart
In-character misdirection from the Grinch.
Light it on fire and call it a Yule log.
There is nothing on that seasonal display barge worth 150 dollary-doos. Or is there? What year is it and what’s the inflation rate?
I’m also mildly concerned about the handcuffs in the top-shelf plastic bin.
Good call, and you know that tree is a plastic piece of junk
No way
Sometimes I wonder if even Mariah carry is sick of all I want for Christmas is you playing on loop at every store everywhere
She makes millions in royalties every year, somehow I suspect that she doesn’t even hear it since she has the money to have absolutely everything delivered. Why would she go to a store?
On the other hand if I was this popular, I would not want to be seen in public unless I have to be seen.
i listen to that song all year round
I honestly didn’t mind when stores sell Christmas stuff early. Some people like to plan things out. What bugs me is when they put up their own decorations early or start playing Christmas music.
Oftentimes the stuff goes out on the floor early because big box store don’t have much of a back room. So when the holiday decor boat from China docks, that stuff goes right on the floor asap.
Some stores seasonal product timing is heavily dependent on shipping and logistics timing.
That’s likely the case here. It was just surprising to see so much Christmas already lol
This looks like the discount and out of season pile at the back of the store. Note the Halloween decorations in the background.
It’s Hobby Lobby so there are Halloween and Christmas decorations up right now even if it’s June. It’s like they always start holiday decor 6 months in advance of the actual holiday.
It was probably taking up valuable warehouse space.