Moths are just as valid as butterflies!
As a moth aficionado, I’d say they’re much more interesting. They evolved 90 million years before butterflies. There are also 9 times as many moth species than butterfly species. They’re also more efficient at pollination than not only butterflies but bees. Go moths!
Makes sense to me, they’re so furry they must carry pollen everywhere
They aren’t related? Like it’s convergent evolution shit? Or are they like moth and butterflies
Do the micro moths include the ones in cupboards and closets?
I hate those fuckers. They infested the family house and we can’t seem to get rid of them.
Ahh… Nice read. Thank you
Butterflies are considered to have evolved from moths.
In French they are all butterflies (papillons). There once was a distinction between butterflies and night butterflies (moths) but apparently it’s now obsolete and they are just all lepidoptera.
That seems crazy. All butterflies come from moths, so it’d make more sense for Papillon to mean moth. It’s like calling everything from the order Rodentia a Capybara, or everything in Eulipotyphla a hedgehog, both things within those orders in smaller numbers.
Moths are cooler.
Mothra has entered the chat
Finally I can be nocturnal and not be judged for it
Ohh no, Shitty Moth gonna drop a long ass comment about his own experience of something then sneakily add in the end the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table.
Lol, that guy isn’t here is he?
He was. I remember seeing him shortly after all the Reddit drama went down
Shittymorph? The legend.
I’m more impressed they were able to zip all the way up with that zipper on the outside.
IRL many sleeping bags have handles on both sides of the zipper.
The moonlight butterfly in DS1 is actually based off a type of moth; but “moonlight moth” doesn’t sound nearly as fantasy.
Kafka would have been proud!
Shitty Moth Comix!
A perfect counterpoint to my Teen Borscht Belt Comix, ay-ya-yay meshuga! Oy vey!