Level I - burn kittens and watch them suffer
Level II - build a space weapon so massive it blows up planets
Level III - micromanage your minions and review security footage
Let’s touch base on this at a later date and see if we can really drill down and get our ducks in a row. I don’t have the bandwidth right now, so we’ll circle back now that it’s on my radar.
Surely there must have been at least a few kittens (or their Star Wars equivalent) on Alderaan… I feel like that would make Level I a subset of Level II by definition.
Why would he look at security footage? He’s not a cop from the 80s, he just commands his army to find those. He’s not evil enought to micromanage.
Levels of Evil
Level I - burn kittens and watch them suffer
Level II - build a space weapon so massive it blows up planets
Level III - micromanage your minions and review security footage
Level IV - Negotiations of trade route duty and tariffs in bad faith
Level V - Sand.
Imagine standing around during guard duty and Darth Vader calls up saying if you have time to lean you have time to clean.
/mechanical breathing
There was an old YouTube series about this called Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager
You got 1 and 2 mixed up
Surely there must have been at least a few kittens (or their Star Wars equivalent) on Alderaan… I feel like that would make Level I a subset of Level II by definition.
But they didn’t watch kittens suffer. Yuge difference.
TIL my boss is more evil than Darth Vader.