A medium high 1. I watched a man struggle to understand the basic gist of gravity.
Oh dang. That’s an underwhelming experience. But I want to ask. Why did that affect you negatively?
Because he’s my coworker/underling… And I need to be able to leave him to do work on his own at times. Watching him absolutely fail to recognize cause and effect more than once yesterday was depressing and is no doubt going to lead to problems in the future.
I rescued an injured bird (a collared dove) with a broken wing and took him to a bird sanctuary about 40 miles away. So 10, clearly.
Hell yeah brother! Taking care of animals is super badass!
- Slept wrong and my open heart surgery scar aches. :(
My goodness! I’m glad things went well during the open heart surgery. How long is the recovery for such a thing?
Pretty sure it’s lifetime. Surgery was at the end of 2018, they cracked me open like a lobster. I’ve got a 10" scar from just under my chin to just over my belly button.
2019 was one complication after another.
2nd heart attack in January.
I can see why you went with 3, surviving open heart surgeries account for at least +1 badass.
Don’t forget the +1 for a badass scare and a story to go with it.
And a +2 for surviving 2 heart attacks
0, badass is not something I’ve ever felt, nor particularly strived for.
I’m more of a goodie-two-shoes people pleaser type.
Oh dang. Well life in the end, isn’t just about what others get out of it. It’s also what you get out of it. Don’t sell yourself short. Everyone deserves to feel badass at least once in their life imo.
Maybe like a 2.
What had you feeling like a 2 on the ‘badass scale’?
1 i been fee- actually nvm i just beat the piss out of a couple monsters in morrowind using my bare fists. Solid 4 cus of that lol
Hahaha. Putting yourself in another world (and one where you’re stronger or have special abilities,) is a nice way to escape the worries of the day.
Have you tried beating up some monsters with a spoon yet? haha
I overcame my social anxiety today and went to the office after a long period of sickness and it was great! I really missed seeing other people than my wife for a change! :D In the evening I ran my pathfinder campaign and it went really well, save for some hiccups from foundry, which is the online tool that we are using, so maybe an 8?
Oh that’s awesome! Social anxiety ain’t no joke. Glad to hear that you’re doing better. It’s really fun to play TTRPGs. Especially with a good group of people.
Are you running a pre-made or home-brew campaign? I’m interested to hear more.
Thanks for the kind words! I’ve been battling with it for around a year now or maybe a little longer. I suspect long covid, because it basically followed a hefty period of brain fog after a covid infection, but therapy and supplements help immensely :)
I’m running the pre-made campaign season of ghosts as a first time GM. It’s an Asian themed mystical horror setting and it does a good job of guiding me through it as I don’t have that much experience running games yet.
The only thing that is a little debatable is the difficulty of the fights, which are intended to be on the easier/very easier side, which I don’t really like, so I’m adjusting the fights, but I have five players and it is written for four, so that makes it even harder to gauge, as well as some variant rules we use that make the PCs a little stronger.
Until now, the PCs steamrolled pretty much every fight and boss fight, but yesterday I upped the difficulty dramatically and it was a really exciting boss battle! So I think I’m finally getting a grasp on gauging the difficulty better
This particular day I feel like a fistfight between me and Stephen Hawking would be too close to call.
ROFL. You can’t win them all champ. Keep going though. Greatness is achieved when you push further than what others are willing to do.
3, maybe a 3.5.
I was reasonably productive today, but still have a lot to get done and I am procrastinating.
Take it or leave it insight: I have learned that procrastination can be chalked up to two things. 1. You don’t know where to start on said thing and perhaps feel overwhelmed by it. 2. You don’t know how to break down the objective into more manageable steps. And so you put it off ‘until you feel like you have a clue.’
An old saying that strongly applies here. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
7, I mounted and installed some networking equipment at a new facility today for the first time and it went well!
Oh that’s rad! I figure since you’re in IT, you don’t get much appreciation. But I for one, am very thankful for all that the IT team(s) do. It’s all fun and games until you can’t access your server data that’s crucial to your job. o7
8 had a banger goth makeup for the first time
Rad! Did you do your own goth makeup?
Yup, with eyeliner and a bit of eye shadow
Was at 10 yesterday, since I was playing Arkham Shadow and you don’t get much more badass than being Batman.
Today it’s 1. My whole body hurts. The one point comes from me not oversleeping this morning.
I feel generally on par with a green bell pepper.
Maybe 6. Im back to college and learning precalc after being out of school for like 10+ years. A lot of relearning old stuff and learning new stuff at the same time.
It makes me anxious honestly.