Not my original art, do not know who original artist is, just found it online
For those who do not know, Luce is the vatican’s anime mascot girl.
She was developed to share the light of Jesus Christ and to spread awareness that starting on Christmas of 2024 and going until January 6th 2026 we will be in a Year of jubilee.
Any person who chooses to pass through the arches of an approved Catholic church and receive communion will receive plenary indulgence and complete and total inexorable forgiveness of all past sin according to dogmatic law.
“Imagine being able to pay off your sins. What a scam”, said Martin Luther.
Pay to sin model now in your local religion as well!
Wait do you actually have to make a contribution to receive communion? If so that’s ridiculous
Nope! You don’t have to pay a cent to the Catholic Church to receive communion.
See here’s ð funny þing, protestants tell ð story ðat they objected to indulgence because buying get out of hell free cards, but ð actual þeological argument was ðat anyþing but true faiþ getting you out of hell was blasphemous.
Ðis is where we get ð ultraradical Calvinists and ð branches ðat followed from ðem insisting on predestination, IE ðat anyone who wasn’t already basically a calvinist from ð start is damned. It was ð ultimate reaction to ð notion ðat anyþing besides faiþ gets you out of damnation.
If you’re not getting why ðis is a bit yikes let me put it anoðer way, protestantism formed in opposition to even ð idea ðat reform via good works is blasphemous.
Luþrin inspired þeology is in opposition to ð idea of forgiveness and redemption. Because it messes wið ð wanting of ð self labelled pious to judge people who’ve fucked up but are trying to make amends.
That’s just a regular indulgence, a plenary indulgence does not require a cash transaction
He slammed the Catholic church with the thesis he Slammed to the doors of churches.
I fricking hate that word. Why does media love to use it soo hard? Slammed here, slammed that.
Cool but where do I get a Luce figurine Amazon is sold out
Any person who chooses to pass through the arches of an approved Catholic church and receive communion will receive plenary indulgence and complete and total inexorable forgiveness of all past sin according to dogmatic law.
Wait, is this for real or did you just also include the plot of Dogma for good measure?
Real, just keep Loki and Bartleby away
There is r34(porn) of it, there is r63(genderswapped version) of it and r85(pony) version of it.
Also, pony:
The vatican didn’t know about rule 34, I bet.
No surprise. They only ever had 10 rules
Classic mistake.
I this is the second time I stumbled upon the churches anime girl having something to do with a horse. This one would not offend the pope by comparison.
The internet is faster than Jesus and his new waifu.
Luce/Lucy means the bringer of light.
Just like Lucifer.
Luce is light. Lucifer is bringer of light.
So, bring your daughter to work day is pretty redundant for Lucifier/Luce?
But here she brings the dildo with clitoris stimulator.
Just like Lucifer.
God Bless Lucifer.
Stop taking part of the rehabilitation fo the image of an international and dangerous cult!
There’s only one way. We have to Esurance it.
I didn’t recognize the meme and thought it was some porn thing about a dick in the hole. What is it actually? I can’t tell.
…seriously? It’s the Shining. With Jack Nicholson.
Heeeeerrrrreeeesssss JOHNEY!!!
It’s supposed to be a pilgrims staff.
It’s the club. Anti theft car device.
Thanks. It looks like two thirds of a 3-pronged pitchfork.
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She’s breaking down the door with her two-headed dick.