Really? Me? With boobs and all?
Yes, but there’s no promise they’ll be any better than the boobs you already have.
Aw geez
It’s ok man, your boobs are still great
But are they better than the cats boobs
How can they not be better than no boobs
It would be worse to have boobs that are trying to kill you with boob cancer.
At least i die with boobs
The boobies add weight for an effective workout.
You could have them if you try
This skin suit ain’t gonna sew itself
New gender goals just dropped.
Holy hell
And shitting on the floor!
I’m actually in bed and farting, thank you very much. One part of me is getting a work out at least.
How long do you fart ?
As long as required
Just don’t shit the bed ok?
You’re not my real dad
But he is your adopted one who loved ypu like his own (insert sad backstory )
That may be true, but I love you as if I were.
But….please stop wiping your ass with the bed sheets.
What powers this fart art? Shrooms, KFC or good ol taco bell.
Well in truth, it has to do with four elements. You see, inside of each person exists the ability to master one of these elements or ‘bend’ them if you will…
I’ve mastered all four, I am the assatar.
Instructions unclear, shit smeared on wall
I’d rather be on the actual toilet instead of shitting my pants on an imaginary toilet.
Sir, for the 5th time you didn’t have to shit your pants.
Who says I had to?
If I exercise, I won’t be able to rest my phone on my gut.
Is sitting against a wall exercising?
Edit: yes, yes it is. Ive just found a new lazy way to work out.
Well it might be called a wall “sit”, but if you’re doing it right then it’s a pretty good core workout and you probably won’t be able to do it for long
Don– Don’t sit on the toilet rim… That’s just… nasty. :{
I shit in a bowl. not on the wall!
Either way, I’m gonna be shitting.
You ain’t have to call me out like that
Feels good to be seen.