Does she have a sister?
It’s Marston’s Wonder Woman bondage all the way down
I am going to reuse the fuck out of this, thank you
Counterpoint: Liking a woman’s body the way it naturally is shouldn’t be considered a fetish.
Hmm, so you don’t count “foot fetishes” for instance?
I’d call it a fetish if you are more attracted to feet than primary or secondary sexual organs.
Why you hatin’ on tertiary and quaternary characteristics?
Body hair growth is triggered by hormonal changes, so body hair could be considered a sexual maturity adjacent characteristic.
Do you also consider a woman’s preference for non-hairy guys to be an abnormal fetish?
What about butts? They’re not (biologically) sexual organs, any more than mouths are; do you consider the admiration of butts to be a fetish?
Why do you include breasts (I assume these are your secondary organs?) as in the “not a fetish” list? They have nothing to do with the passing of gametes; they’re only valuable long after the sex act.
Your taxonomy seems rather arbitrary.
It’s a fetish when I’m not into it.
Dude, none of your arguments are relevant, we were talking about feet.
Her armpit hair lookin like Wooly Willy
wait till you learn women can also have chest hair.
yes, around the nipples too
Bro has never had the pleasure of seing braided armpit hair and it shows. Smh my head…
Imagine being upset by something as normal as body hair. If I ever have kids I’m keeping them away from you.
Imagine being upset by something as normal as different opinions about what is attractive. You’ll be shocked to know that some people find mustaches and/or beards disgusting too. The horror!
They’ve never been outside their uncle’s basement. You’ll be fine.
I don’t really care if she shaves but I shave my chest and armpits. I don’t really like how I look with body hair.
I think it’s about waving sb over, cause I’m too awkward to do that myself. The arm pit hair is actually irrelevant.
I don’t get it. Does he think women grow hair when they’re attracted to someone?
…they dont?