I’m just gonna blindly assume my microbes are okay with the 3 cinnamon rolls I ate today (they were small, and homemade).
Homemade mens healthy. You good.
Multivitamins ftw. Really.
i’m not sure if i would be willing to lose sleep over a 4 hour mario kart video. now a 4 hour video about invisible walls in mario 64? that’s a different story
But first, we need to talk about parallel universes.
A 4 hour video about Plagiarism and You(Tube)? Fuck yeah.
An eight hour retrospective on Morrowind? Sign me the fuck up
Sixteen hours of “I know I know” from Bill Withers’ Ain’t no Sunshine? Take my money!
I’m in this comment and I don’t like it.
Thank you. Why did OP do this to us?
He’s not made of pixels.
Pre epithelial revolution
If it’s pre-30 yr old, the cells are all body builders, but after, they are old men with canes
That last sentence… Ouch.
summoning salt videos go hard.
Smarter Every Day for me.
smarter every day did a 4 hour Mario Kart video?
Man I hope not, I’ve got things to do!
Instant goosebumps hearing either Home - We’re Finally Landing or Home - Resonance
Basically me as a salaried worker after every work day. 😐
Pizza is a food pyramid.
I think that speaks more to how broken the food pyramid was than how good pizza is.
According to a self experiment of a German science Youtuber with doctor supervision you can technically live healthy with just pizza, but you need to chose the topping carefully.
Okay, but, what if I choose another entire pizza as my pizza topping? What then science?!
If your pizza topping is a slightly smaller pizza, and that pizza is in turn topped with an even smaller pizza and so on, then it can be a literal food pyramid
Now that’s a food pyramid I can support.
Cone, surely? :)
Depends on how thick the pizza is.
No. Depends on the shape of the pizza. Round -> cone. With 3 or 4 corners -> pyramid.
Then you get a recursive pizza and end up with only dough.
Cheeseburger topping it is, then
It has a lot more fat than the food pyramid implies.
Granted, but the cheese can also be part of Dairy?
You should take vitamine D supplements above/below 45° latitude anyway.
Perhaps consider B12 as well? I had a lack of both which I discovered because I was thinking of going vegan and took a blood test as a control to compare later.
Whatever. I’ll just keep eating mammoth.
So, everything north of the Alps, basically? That doesn’t sound right to me. I tried a vitamin D pill once but it gave me a rash immediately, which is a sign of overdosing.
That doesn’t sound right. Vitamin D has a buffer, meaning you would get rash from additional exposure to sun too.
I take a drop of oil daily into my müsli.