Considering he’s never set foot in one and his constituency is illiterate
Library looks like:
John cena?
It will have a copy of mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries and nothing else.
Somewhere uninhabitable, like New Jersey.
Does he have to have one? I’ve never gotten the impression that he cares about his legacy.
I think his legacy is all he cares about, but endorsing education and free exchange of ideas certainly isn’t part of it.
No, his image is all he cares about, which is not the same thing.
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With him, I can guarantee he will demand that he be able to profit from it. That leaves somewhere he can ‘control’ it, like new york or florida. New york (and its government) won’t be very receptive or compliant with him, so most likely florida, where he can get the republican stooges in the various levels of government to grant him special privileges.
We’ve already seen it.
Have conservatives explained the nuclear weapon secrets in his bathroom yet? Or is the defense “It wasn’t decided in a court of law so it’s just hearsay”
In addition, have democrats explained why they haven’t tried and executed him for stealing nuclear secrets yet?
The common excuse I’ve seen from them is that he was entitled to have all of it.
Of course, they also freaked out about Biden having a few things from his previous White House stint in his garage around the same time (none of which held a candle to what trump had in quantity or severity), but nevermind that double standard. Trump was allowed because reasons.
I hope it doesn’t suffer the same fate as Bush’s library - both books were lost in the fire and he hadn’t even finished colouring in the second one.
The chandelier really ties it all together
I went to Texas A&M where H W’s library is. It’s a… nice building with… uh… museum about him.
Story about H dubs though. I met him. It was at a BBQ joint on the side of the road halfway between College Station and Houston. The town probably has less than 2000 people living in it.
I was meeting my dad for lunch. There were a bunch of suits in sunglasses and earpieces standing in a dirt parking lot full of trucks with rust holes in them.
We walk in and there are H W and Barbara eating brisket.
You had me in the first part. Lmao.
The shelf above the shitter. And there’ll still be space to spare.
It’ll be a 5x5 plot on Mar-a-Lago with one of those little free library boxes. He’ll charge the GAO 10k in rent a month. It will only be open on Thursdays for a hour and not marked on any map. The box will be stuffed with classified documents.
The dumpster behind Denny’s
His fans read books?