I can’t think of anything that im not conerned about. There was all sorts of indication last time that the military commanders kept him from doing really foolish things last time and this time the cabinet and diplomates and all sorts of things is going to be his fellow crazies.
Sadly, I’m going to be fine. Dual income/no kids, we both make decent money annd are WFH. We each own our own home and both were refinanced at the lowest rates a few years back. We have good retirement situations.
We each have friends that are not as lucky as we are.
We each have a niece and nephew between elementary and high school, and they both live in Red states. I fear for them. We’ve had The Talk with our siblings to let them know we will house them if needed for abortion access.
I fear for people that aren’t as lucky as we are. We’ve helped some friends pay for rent for instance, while they were between jobs. We pick up social gathering tab’s when possible, although there’s a couple in our friend circle that usually covers those things as they have a lot more income than even us.
I fear that the US is headed to further turmoil and the people it will affect the most is the people that can’t afford it likely friends and family.
Similar boat here. While we’ll probably be all right, I fear for the vulnerable and weak.
This. I fear more for others than I do myself
Finding out who the true allies are to the LGBTQ+ community.
Once I lose my VA disability, I’ll be priced out of existing, I won’t be able to afford my debt, mortgage, bills, and then food and such. I’d have to double my income overnight, and I have zero training or certifications or degrees beyond an AS in General Studies, so it’s not going to happen.
I’m less worried about the national guard than I am about local law enforcement across the country, Trump will give them the green light with impunity.
My biggest fear, though? They’re going to ban all LGBTQ±related healthcare using the same mechanisms as the Federal Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. “Sure, the states can choose the
drinking agetypes of LGBTQ+ healthcare they offer in their state… They just won’t have access to federal funding if it isn’t21absolutely none.”My life has been running in 5 year cycles. Every 5 years something changes to make it different. It’s been 4 years now.
My parents’ entire retirement being ripped out from under them (military + military disability + federal employee).
Overall degradation of human rights for everyone. De-humanisation of LGBTQ+ people in the eyes of the law. Normalization and acceptance of hate in public spaces.
I’m worried about losing access to HRT. I already have a plan to leave the country if need be, but it would suck to sell my house and move somewhere completely unfamiliar. I’ve just started setting down roots in this area. What a shitty time to be trans.
The end of America, which maybe it’s time.
America must end for the world to heal. If it happens in these 4 years, it’ll be super painful because no one is prepared. But it has to happen some one or another.
While I agree, as someone currently living in America, I hope not.
Same. If we think the largest military power in the world, run by the biggest imbeciles to ever wield said power, is going out with a whimper, and not a bang, then we’re all in for a very rude awakening.
Finding a job, or other means of staying housed
Squat in an empty house
taps head
I prefer to either stand or sit.
But then you dont get legal rights. It’s called squatter’s rights, not sitter’s or stander’s rights. 😉
Fine, I’ll squat for legal reasons!
Getting denaturalized, losing access to my hormones (I can’t produce either naturally), losing my partner, and ending up in a camp
But you know, cheaper eggs… Maybe…
Possibly having my ID documents reverted to the wrong gender at the federal level, losing access to HRT, my marriage being dissolved by the federal government, being excluded from public life… Just normal trans stuff 😔👍
My job, will I…
remain employed most of the time somewhere and
will I ever manage to leave retail and return to work for what I studied for?
- my parents health
It’s a common estimate that by 2030 we’ll probably have the first blue ocean event, but at the rate we’ve accelerated fossil fuels use along with the military build up and use promised by Trump it’s increasingly likely we’ll see it before then, during Trump’s term.
So, the entire collapse of the food chain.
Me: What’s a Blue Ocean Event?
Me: looks it up
Me: Well shit.
‘Some commentators have become worried that the first summer instance of an ice-free Arctic – what some have termed a “Blue Ocean Event” – will happen very soon, and will lead to a rapid increase in global warming and extreme weather through positive feedbacks that could even end in ‘runaway’ warming.’
Blue Ocean?
I’m sorry. The military build and use promised by Trump? Have you been asleep for the last 4 years? For the last 24? The military build and up and use has been nonstop under every single president since Reagan.
Our military becoming less professionalized. The question is what sort of fuckery that will enable.
Who’s ‘our’?
The original question says “the next four years”. That (four years being the length of a presidential term) and the general timing of this post (the very recent election) strongly implies it’s US-centric.
Well there’s the general world in fire and being trans in the US that’s ever present. For personal stuff I’m currently working toward moving to a new country and going back to college. Hoping that all pans out otherwise you know, being trans in the US…
🇦🇷 Our president is working actively to destroy the country, remove all social protections and sell the remainders for cheap, all the while their friends benefit and take all their money to fiscal paradises. All with the applause of people who are barely middle class and hated poor people, women and minorities.
He also destroyed the national postal service, without which is impossible to have a national election.