Personal security industry us going to be hot soon
How much do you have to pay guys to defend asshole billionaires? If the bullets really start flying I hope they ditch their jobs for the sake of their families.
Probably less than you would think. However… You have to pay them a lot if you don’t want them to be easy targets for bribes.
Yep, Only way people will lay down their lives for others is if they believe in a cause they are furthering, or to protect a loved one. I don’t think bodyguards fit into either of these categories when the principal is some billionaire businessman.
They’ll do their jobs sure, but not when it’s time to risk their own lives.
I feel this is a genuine prediction
“It’s not a class war, until we shoot back”
First shots been fired. Fort Sumter moment.
What movie is this from?
Such a fantastic movie. This scene is top 3 shooting scenes too. They did it in downtown LA on location and reverb off the buildings is visceral.
Yes, absolutely mind blowing movie and scene, especially if you have a chance to catch it on the big screen.
The reason for the great sound (if I remember correctly) is the use of blanks, instead of lazy post-editing visuals and sound effects (like in most movies). And also the depth of characters, the acting and the cinematography all come together into this amazing film.
Same with Collateral.
Michael Mann seems to be the only director to really nail the sound of guns.
Have seen this at least one gajillion times. Almost a perfect movie.
Thank you!
I’m jealous if you haven’t seen it, amazing experience, I really recommend you check it out.
My wife hates action movies but loves this one, always cries at the end. Very deep exploration of some (flawed) characters and sad life stories, for both policemen and criminals - the realistic action scenes and 90s LA are just the cool backdrop.
I’ll definitly check it out!
Now that you know the movie, search for the bank robbery scene. It may be the best gunfight ever filmed.
I feel like it’s worth pointing out that his character was the only one that got away.
The shittier version before Michael Mann remade the same exact movie, but with more money.
they won’t be alone, they won’t be cornered, and they will have more fire power than us
that murderer was being selfish and all the rest of us left behind will pay for his needs to see himself as an uberman
It’s not like it’s a real war. We get to go about our lives, because they need us, we don’t need them. We just have to make feelings known, maybe organize into unions and political action groups
The most impactful thing we could do is nothing. If everyone takes a month off work, refuses to pay rent and fights eviction in court, the economy would go “poof”. They can’t fight us directly - they’d lose all of the power they love so much
They get to deal with the like people they’ve made desperate. They get to be afraid of the consequences of their actions, to fear walking the streets freely. They can live in their little bubbles of wealth, but in the end that need means locking themselves in a golden cage. They can hire all the security they want - that just means they’ll be shuttled from the airport and back in reinforced cars, only able to feel the Sun in their locked down compounds
There won’t be a war, but there will be more desperate people if nothing changes. If they want to feel safe walking the streets, they just need to take less so everyone else has something to lose