At least one thing that has become better.
phone bad!
phone bad!
Ok boomer
alles klar, Explodierer.
There are more people available on the phone. We’re people. Unless the entire Internet has been replaced with generative AI bots and I’m the last human left… 🤔
Hey, we bots are people, too!
Darn kids and their mobile telephones!
That aside, uh, people are still people on the other end of the phone. They aren’t like, unloaded when you get too far away from them.
Ok, boomer
This seems to have hit too close to home.
Look don’t judge them, anything goes in the airport cafe.
people are NOT more interesting than my phone and i’ll not apologize for saying so
They’re probably liking each others insta where they posted about their coffee date
I’ll talk to them, sure. Right after I upload a preachy meme.
Y’all forgot that newspapers and magazines used to exist, huh?
They did, but they were definitely more boring than most people. You’d have to be married to someone for a few years before the paper was a reasonable alternative.
You severely underestimate how boring most people are.
I survived the pre-device world and socialized with people. Newspapers were shitty twitter, split into paragraphs on separate pages, without engagement and comments, magazines were expensive versions of the same but with pretty color pictures.
Pre-internet, people had ‘areas of interest’ so you could maybe learn about something they were passionate about (assuming they weren’t wrong). Marriage was the real killer because all you ever got from your spouse what whatever they learned recently (gossip/news)
Now, people are sharing what they read on social media and some learn things all the time.
Most people don’t learn.
You know there’s a difference. Nowadays, many people are glued to their phones because of addictive apps like TikTok and Instagram. I can’t imagine that newspapers had the same effect.
I dunno, there are a lot of tv shows and movies from the pre-internet era that depict parents lost in their newspapers and totally oblivious to what their kids are doing.
Having grown up in this era, I can say with 100% certainty that this was the case.
This is making me feel so old. It reads like you’re using historical documents to learn what people did before phones
It is, and you are old. Sorry to break it to you.
I’m mid-forties, so I remember it well, except my recollection isn’t really proof that it happened, and my parents weren’t neglectful. In fact, all my memories of my parents were that they would stop what they were doing to talk to us. So I remember it being a common complaint, but it wasn’t my experience.