This is just like the tip cups that say “Star Trek” vs “Star Wars” or whatever. It’s not about the actual choices. It’s about getting people to put stuff in one or the other.
This question gets people to put their butts in the disposal, rather than on the ground.
Also, I don’t believe the moon landing was faked, but I would totally put my cigarette butt in that one. Get my butt vote, conspiracy nuts. Who cares.
The actual label is the least factor in where I put it.
(I don’t know why my brain feels the need to clarify this to strangers on the internet, but for the record, I don’t actually smoke)
Glad you clarified youre not smoking, thats imaginary bonus points for you.
Do more smokers think the moon landing is fake?
Do people who think the moon landing was fake smoke more?
Are people who think the moon landing is fake more likely to smoke?
Is “fake” just closer to the smokers?
I bet people are putting them in the “fake” side as a joke.
100%, id totally put my butt in the fake side if I were a smoker for laughs
The moon landing was faked.
NASA got Kubrick to direct, and being a perfectionist, he insisted they shoot on location.
Cause nothing screams “sound judgement” like a nicotine addiction.
I love when people are like “if you get a windfall of money you’ll probably go bankrupt. Look at the statistics from lottery winners, 70% of them end up broke.”
Ah yes, a subset of the population whose only common traits are that they gamble and make objectively terrible financial decisions. Obviously this group should be the benchmark for the financial literacy and money management of the general population.
No, winners aren’t all dumbasses. This post is smart and important to understand the whole thing.
A used heroin needle poll however, that’s how you get the opinions of our greatest minds
More proof that smoking restricts blood flow to the brain. If any were needed.
And the ties between addictive behavior and conspiracy theorists
Stupid people smoke
I mean, this is a great way to determine if smokers are idiots.
Looking like the majority is a yes.
Well actually the majority is a no